Wednesday, 16 December 2020

home based email sending jobs

 क्या आप बोरियत महसूस कर रहे हैं? या बेहतर नौकरी की तलाश में हैं? फिर

आपको चिंता करने की कोई आवश्यकता नहीं है हमारे पास एक आसान अंशकालिक

नौकरी का अवसर है जहां आपको कहीं भी जाने की आवश्यकता नहीं है और एक

निश्चित समय पर काम करने की आवश्यकता नहीं है। आप कभी भी काम कर सकते

हैं। आपको क्या करना है हमारी कंपनी आपको प्रति दिन 200 संदेश प्रदान

करेगी और ईमेल भेजने के लिए आप INR6 / - कमाएंगे। तो गणना 6 * 200 = 1200

/ - प्रति दिन और एक महीने में आप घर बैठे ही INR 36000 / - कमा लेंगे।

यह आप लोगों के लिए एक बड़ा अवसर है जो हमारी कंपनी आपको प्रदान कर रही

है। आप घर, दफ्तर, यात्रा आदि से काम कर सकते हैं। यह नौकरी गृहिणियों,

युवाओं, सेवानिवृत्त कर्मचारियों आदि के लिए फायदेमंद है। हर कोई इस काम

को कर सकता है, क्योंकि सभी ईमेल भेजना, ईमेल संपादित करना और अग्रेषित

करना जानते हैं। विशेषताएं:-

1) 100% जोखिम मुक्त नौकरी

2) घबराने की जरूरत नहीं है

3) आप कहीं से भी और कभी भी काम कर सकते हैं।

4) आप 24 घंटे के भीतर बैंक खाते, पेटीएम के माध्यम से अपना भुगतान

प्राप्त कर सकते हैं।

5) महिलाओं और लड़कियों के लिए मुफ्त नौकरी की तलाश करें।

6) आप लक्षित लोगों की हमारी कंपनी से नंबर प्रदान करेंगे जहाँ आपको ईमेल भेजना है।

7) आप व्हाट्स ऐप और हाइक विज्ञापनों के माध्यम से अपने दोस्तों को कॉल

या संदर्भित कर सकते हैं।

8) आपको एक पंजीकरण फॉर्म भरना होगा।

9) आपका खाता 1-3 घंटे के भीतर चालू हो जाएगा।

10) करने में आसान

११) कहीं जाने की जरूरत नहीं

यह ईमेल भेजने वाला काम थोक में वित्तीय लाभ प्राप्त करने के लिए विपणन

में मदद करता है। ये ईमेल मार्केटिंग उत्पादों के बारे में होंगे। कंपनी

और श्रमिकों दोनों के लिए लाभ होगा जो नौकरी भेजने वाले ईमेल के लिए काम

करेंगे। जैसा कि आप सभी इस समय जानते हैं, कि नया व्यवसाय शुरू करना या

बाजार चलाना कितना कठिन है, इसलिए यह नौकरी आप सभी के लिए बेहतर है। हमें

अपनी कंपनी में काम करने के लिए हजारों श्रमिकों की आवश्यकता है और ईमेल

भेज सकते हैं।

email sending jobs

Work From Home Data Entry Operator Work Home/Part time job

WCL HR Solutions

0-5 Yrs1,50,000 - 5,50,000 PA.Delhi NCR, Bengaluru, Hyderabad

Full / Part Time JobsFreshers are Welcome Most Important: Computer / Laptop Or Android ...

studentData ManagementComputer OperatingData ExtractionData EntryPart TimeComputer Skillshouseviews

AGOSavePart Time Typing Work/data entry operator/online job/work from Home

WCL HR Solutions

0-5 Yrs1,50,000 - 5,50,000 PA.Delhi NCR, Bengaluru, Hyderabad

Work from home at your own spare time FULL / PART TIME JOBS Full / Part Time JobsFRESHE...

Office AssistanceBPOBack OfficeONLINE JOBSStenographyCopy WritingPART TIME JOBSTYPIST  AGOSaveHiring For DATA Entry Operator /Part Time /HOME Based Typing Work

WCL HR Solutions

0-5 Yrs1,00,000 - 5,00,000 PA.Indore, Visakhapatnam, Jaipur

Excellent opportunity @ Data Entry computer Operator Computer / Laptop Is Compulsory . ...

home based email sending job

 Are you feeling bored? Or looking for a better job? Then you have no

need to worry we have an easiest part- time job opportunity where you

no need to go anywhere and no need to work at a fixed time. You can

work anytime. What you have to do is our company will provide you 200

messages per day and you'll earn INR6/- to send emails. So by the

calculation 6*200=1200/- per day and in a month you'll earn INR

36000/- just by sitting at home. It is a big opportunity for you

people which our company is providing to you. You can work from home,

the office, travelling etc. This job is beneficial for housewives,

youths,retired workers etc.. Everyone can do this job because all know

how to send emails, how to edit and forward emails. FEATURES:-


2) No need to panic

3) you can work from anywhere and anytime.

4)you can receive your payment through a bank account, paytm within 24 hours.

5) Seek free jobs for women and girls.

6) you'll provide numbers from our company of the targeted people

where you have to send emails.

7) you can call or refer your friends through the What's app and hike ads.

8) you have to fill out a registration form.

9) your account will get started within 1-3hrs.

10)Easy to do

11)no need to go anywhere

This email sending job helps in marketing to get financial profit in

bulk. These emails will be about marketing products. There will be

profit for both the company and the workers who will work for emails

sending jobs. As you all know at this time, how difficult it is to

start a new business or run a market so this job is better for you

all. We need thousands of workers to work in our company and can send


Hiring For DATA Entry Operator /Part Time /HOME Based Typing Work

WCL HR Solutions

0-5 Yrs1,25,000 - 5,50,000 PA.Indore, Visakhapatnam, Jaipur


LaptopTypingWordWork From HomeComputer OperatorHome Basedback officeComputer Operating AGOSaveHiring For DATA Entry Operator /Part Time /HOME Based Typing Work

WCL HR Solutions

0-5 Yrs1,00,000 - 5,00,000 PA.Delhi NCR, Bengaluru, Hyderabad

Urgently required part time Easy Home Based Works are available for freshers and experi...

LaptopTypingWork From HomeComputer OperatorFreelancestudentHome Basedback office AGOSaveWORK@Home/Fresher/DATA Entry/Experience/Computer/PART TIME

WCL HR Solutions

0-5 Yrs1,50,000 - 5,50,000 PA.Indore, Visakhapatnam, Jaipur

FULL / PART TIME JOBS Most Important: Computer / Laptop Or Android Phone Is Compulsory ...


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email sending job from home without investment

 निवेश के बिना घर से नौकरी भेजना ईमेल

बिना निवेश के घर से नौकरी भेजने का ईमेल एक ऐसा प्लेटफ़ॉर्म है, जहाँ आप

बिना कोई निवेश किए आसानी से पैसा कमा सकते हैं। अधिकतर, जब हम एक नया

काम शुरू करते हैं, तो हमें किसी भी रूप में कुछ निवेश करना होगा। लेकिन

आपको कुछ निवेश करना होगा चाहे आपका समय हो या आपका पैसा लेकिन यह एक ऐसा

काम है जहाँ आपको अपने पैसे से कुछ भी निवेश नहीं करना है और न ही आपके

समय की आवश्यकता है और न ही आपको कुछ करना है। आपको केवल अपने घर पर

बैठना है और आप यह काम आसानी से अपने घर से ही कर सकते हैं, इसकी कोई समय

सीमा नहीं है, जब आपको अपने दैनिक कार्यक्रम से खाली समय मिलता है, तो आप

यह कर सकते हैं कि यह काम कर सकते हैं और इस कार्य को बिल्कुल भी नहीं

करना चाहिए उस समय के बारे में जब आप एक हाउस वाइफ हैं और आपके बच्चे भी

हैं, तो इस मामले में आप अपने दिन में और अपने बच्चे की देखभाल में बहुत

व्यस्त रहना चाहिए, लेकिन दूसरी तरफ अगर आप भी अपने परिवार के लिए कुछ

करना चाहते हैं और समाज में अपनी खुद की गरिमा बनाना चाहते हैं यह नौकरी

आपकी मदद कर सकती है क्योंकि आपको इस नौकरी में बहुत समय नहीं देना पड़ता

है आप आसानी से कर सकते हैं इस नौकरी के बिना आप आसानी से अपना आत्म

सम्मान कमा सकते हैं। एक बार जब आपने यह काम करना शुरू कर दिया, तो मुझे

यकीन है कि आप नौकरी के परिणामों से खुश होंगे, आप वेतन से भी खुश होंगे

और आप कभी भी इस नौकरी को छोड़ना नहीं चाहेंगे। आपको जो करना है वह है

आपको कुछ ईमेल दिए जाएँगे जो आपको फॉरवर्ड करने हैं। आपको एक दिन के लिए

200 ईमेल दिए जाएंगे और भेजे गए हर ईमेल के लिए आपको 6 रुपये मिलेंगे।

इसका मतलब है कि आपका मासिक वेतन 36000 होगा। इसका मतलब है कि बहुत कुछ।

आपको अपना भुगतान पेटीएम या खाता हस्तांतरण के माध्यम से मिलेगा।

email sending jobs

Part Time Data Entry Executive

Patshala Education Private Limited

0-4 Yrs1,00,000 - 2,00,000 PA.Bengaluru(Basavangudi)

Experience: 0 - 4 yearsRole: Data Entry ExecutiveSpecialization: MS Office Proficiency....

ExcelWordData EntryMS OfficePart TimeHOT JOB8 DAYS AGOSaveNeed Freelance Data Entry Operator Part Time Work From Home Rs50k PM

WCL HR Solutions

0-5 Yrs1,25,000 - 5,50,000 PA.Indore, Visakhapatnam, Jaipur

We have vacancies for Home Based JobsUrgent Hiring for Home Based Data Entry/ Form Fiil...

Tuesday, 15 December 2020

Government Jobs for PCM Students

One thing that comes undoubtedly interlinked with the term “government job” is “job security”, and yes, this is exactly what makes the government jobs so interesting. However, to be able to do justice to the work profile, it is essential that you take up a job that match your interests.

get direct admission

In India because of the social reputation government jobs remain the most attracting ones as that comes along with a job security and a hassle-free life. Initiating from an attendant to a Group A officer, every government employee enjoys the prestige and advantages that include house rent allowance and travel allowance. These advantages are the major reasons why Indian youth are giving competitive entrance examinations immediately after their education, instead of having millions of Private Sector Job Opportunities.

Compete for a government job, many aspiring candidates take up lower positions that are available for class 12th pass-outs. In the various departments such as banking, defence, and railways there are many vacancies for the candidates who have graduated from high school. If you are one amongst the candidates focusing for a Government Job After Completing Class XII, tour the jobs that are available.

In the government sector there are a numerous jobs where the min. eligibility criteria for the educational background is 12th standard only. These desirable government jobs not only help to provide the students an entry into the corporate world but also help to enhance the Career to Higher Levels during the course of one’s service.

This article would hence be a worthwhile read for the students who are willing to dive right away into the professional arena by way of a government job.

So, here come with a list of the Top Government Jobs in India that you may require to apply for and try your luck at:-

1. National Defence Academy (NDA)

In India the prestigious defence sector consists of three wings, namely Indian Indian Air Force, Army, and Indian Navy. Students who have completed 12th can appear for the all India entrance exam, NDA. Through this, they will be hired to the particular armed forces. Aspiring candidates from any stream can appear for the Indian Army after 10+2. However, physics and mathematics are required at a 12th level for the Indian Air Force and the Indian Navy.

2. SSC Combined Higher Secondary Level (CHSL) 

Staff Selection Commission (SSC) recruit candidates for the positions of lower division clerks and data entry operators for which SSC CHSL conducts the Combined Higher Secondary Level (CHSL) exam, annually. 

3. SSC Multi Tasking Staff (MTS)

SSC Multi Tasking Staff, is another one of the reputed entrance exams conducted by the Staff Selection Commission. This prestigious exam is conducted to recruit candidates as support staff at several ministries and government departments. 

4. SSC Stenographer (Grade C and Grade D) 

For Grade C and Grade D positions the stenographer examination is conducted by the Staff Selection Commission to recruit deserving aspirants. For this exam the Educational Qualification required is a high school graduate certificate. The stenography skills certificate is also needed to take the exam. 

For the post of Stenographers (Grade C and D) the Staff Selection Commission or SSC organizes this exam. For this, the aspiring applicant should have passed the 12th standard exam or any other equivalent examination from any central or state recognized institute and should be between 18 – 27 years of age. The job roles and responsibilities of a stenographer includes press conference briefings, speech writings, handling public relations, etc.

Monday, 14 December 2020

Career Options for 12th PCM Students - Higher Education, Courses, Job Opportunities

 In India, it is a common misconception that engineering is the only good option for students who have completed Class12th with PCM. Engineering is a highly glorified and a good career choice of students but definitely it is not the only career choice. In fact, many students may not be interested in pursuing engineering after studying science in Class 12th.

get direct admission

There are various courses, both traditional and modern that can help the student build a promising career in a field they are interested and also get good opportunities in future. Students who are currently pursuing intermediate studies or have completed it must know about the best undergraduate and diploma course they can opt. Apart from engineering, the other options available are B.Plan, B.Arch, NDA, Indian Army Technical Entry Scheme Course, TV and Film industry-driven course etc.

To help students choose the right course after class 12th PCM, we have compiled some of the best career options after class 12th PCM.

Career options for 12th PCM students

Check the list of popular career options for Class 12th PCM pass out candidate and career options after the completion of course:

Course Option

Higher Education & Career Scope after Graduating

B.Tech/ BE

M.Tech, ME

Jobs in reputed companies like TCS, Infosys, Wipro, IBM, LnT, BHEL etc.



Work as a teacher, professor or lecturer, researcher, laboratory assistant etc.



Jobs in IT companies, technician, tech- support, IT support, BPO etc.


M.Plan, diploma in landscape design or interior design

Jobs in the urban development department of state, State tourism department planning, Manager, environmental planner etc.



Jobs as Architecture, landscape architecture, construction and designing etc.

B.Tech in agriculture

M.Tech in agriculture, Agribusiness management

Agriculture engineer


Work in Indian Army, Indian Navy or Indian air force

Indian Army Technical Entry Scheme Course

Commission in the Army in the rank of Lt.

Diploma in Film and Television

Film editor, cinematography, film production etc.

Also Read: B.Sc Mathematics VS B.Sc Statistics after 12th?

Here are the detailed career options for students who have completed Class 12th in PCM:

B.Tech/ BE

Students who have passed Class 12th in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics can pursue a career in the engineering field. Candidates an opt B.Tech or B.E degree course. For this, the candidate will have to appear in JEE and state-level entrance test for admission in engineering colleges of India.

Bachelor of Science (B.Sc)

Bachelor of Science (B.Sc) is the core science degree programme that allows candidates to study a subject of their choice. Candidates interested in Mathematics can pursue B.Sc mathematics, those interested in Physics can pursue B.Sc Physics and B.Sc Chemistry is for candidates interested in Chemistry. Most of the prestigious institutes take admission on merit basis i.e performance in class 12th. Some institutes conduct their own entrance test for admission in B.Sc course

After the competition of B.Sc degree course, candidates can pursue higher education like M.Sc. This course is suitable for candidates who want to become professors, teacher or lecture in institutes/ colleges/ universities. Those who are interested in research work can also opt for this course.

List of B.Sc College in India

Bachelor of Planning (B.Plan)

Bachelors of Planning is a professional undergraduate level degree programme. B.Plan professionals play a vital role in shaping the urban environment in all aspects like socially, environmentally and culturally and have a significant impact to influence our lives.

Admission in B. Plan programme is based on the Class 12th results from CBSE or any equivalent examination. The candidate must have studied Mathematics in Class 12th for admission in B.Plan course. Most of the prestigious institutes take admission through JEE mains or NATA scorecard.

PCM students interested in the subjects can pursue the course from an institute that offers this course after the completion of Class 12th studies.

B.Plan Colleges in India

Bachelor of Architecture

B.Arch is a degree programme that can be completed in 5 years full-time. It is and lucrative degree programme and the course focus on various aspects like Interior design, rural and urban planning, landscape architecture, building architecture, construction management, transportation planning etc.

Candidates who have completed Class 12th in PCM and interested in this course can apply in colleges which offers this course. Most of the prestigious institutes s take admission on the basis of NATA or JEE Mains scorecard.

After the completion of B.Arch course candidates can pursue a diploma in a specialisation like Diploma in interior design/ landscape design for career growth.

B.Arch Colleges in India

B.Tech in Agriculture

The scope and demand of Bachelor of Agriculture engineering have increased in recent owing to the advancement in technology in the agriculture sector. It is similar to all other engineering courses offered in India. Most of the prestigious institutes s take admission on the basis of JEE Mains scorecard.

The course is designed to help students understand and implement agricultural processes efficiently and improve the productivity of farmers.

After the completion of B.Tech in agriculture, candidates can either get a job in government or private sector or they can go for further studies like Management in Agribusiness or Masters in Agriculture.

Government Exams After 12th

Aspirants of Public Sector jobs can appear for multiple Government Exams After 12th since these jobs are the most lucrative and secured career option and are the most sought-after amongst students who are done with the 12th Board.

get direct admission

The reason for the popularity of these Government Exams is due to the various advantages they offer. The multiple perks of the Government jobs are:




Eligibility criteria benefits

The minimum educational qualification for most of the renowned Government jobs is Graduation. However, candidates can start their preparation before the graduation/ once the 12th Board gets over. For the detailed list of upcoming government exams candidates can check the link provided below.

Government Exam 2020

List of Government Exams After 12th

There are various public sector jobs which a candidate can apply for immediately after class 12th. Those who aspire to have a career in this sector can check the list of Government Exams after 12th given below:

SSC Combined Higher Secondary Level (SSC CHSL)

Upper Division Clerk (UDC)

Lower Division Clerk (LDC)

Postal Assistant (PA)

Data Entry Operator (DEO)

Sorting Assistant (SA)

SSC Multi Tasking Staff (SSC MTS)

SSC General Duty Constable (SSC GD Exam)

SSC Grade C and Grade D Stenographer (SSC Stenographer)

RRB Assistant Loco Pilot (RRB ALP)

Railway Group D (RRB/RRC Group D)

Indian Army Exam for the post of Technical Entry Scheme, Mahila Constables, Soldiers, Junior Commissioned Officers for Catering

Indian Navy Exam for the post of Sailor, Artificer Apprentice and Senior Secondary Recruits (SSR)

Security Forces

Border Security Force (BSF)

Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF)

Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB)

Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force (ITBP)

Central Industrial Security Force (CISF)

Indian Coast Guard Exam for the post of Sailors, Technicians, Assistant Commandants and Airmen

All India Entrance Exam NDA for Armed Forces (National Defence Academy)

Further below, the details regarding a few of these Government exams are 12th are given for the candidates’ reference.

Railways Recruitment Exam After 12th

Assistant Loco Pilot: Assistant Loco Pilot post that can be applied after 12th. This job involves the task of assisting the Train driver and is a very responsible job. Candidates can prepare for this exam by referring to the RRB ALP Syllabus.

For detailed relevant information on Railway Assistant Loco Pilot exam refer to the links given below:

RRB ALP Eligibility RRB ALP Salary RRB ALP Admit Card

RRB ALP Result RRB ALP Cut Off RRB ALP Exam Dates

Railway Group D: RRB Group D exam is conducted by RRB to recruit eligible candidates for various posts like Helper/Assistant Pointsman, Track Maintainer Grade-IV, in Level 1 of 7th CPC Pay Matrix in various departments of Indian Railways. Aspirants can go through RRB Group D notification for latest updates and vacancies.

Aspirants who are willing to prepare for Railway Group D exam can refer to the following links for relevant details-

RRB Group D Syllabus RRB Group D Salary RRB Group D Admit Card

RRB Group D Preparation RRB Group D Apply Online RRB Group D Exam Dates

Railway Clerks: The job of Train Clerk include checking the number of wagons and coaches in Railway yard, preparing train documents like Vehicle Guidance (VG), feeding this information in railway network terminals, etc.

The job is very responsible, and the posting can be in either in Stations or Control offices in Divisional/Zonal headquarters.

Railway Constables: The job of Railways constables is to maintain law and order in the railway premises. Candidates can apply for this post after 12th, and their work would involve patrolling during any journey to check notorious activities.

Check the following links for the preparation of RRB Exams After 12th:

RRB Preparation RRB Mock Tests RRB Exam Calendar

SSC Exams After 12th

SSC CHSL: SSC Conducts Combined Higher Secondary Level (CHSL)for the recruitment of Lower Divisional Clerk (LDC)/ Junior Secretariat Assistant (JSA), Postal Assistant/ Sorting Assistant, etc. Candidates can prepare for this exam by thoroughly referring to the topics mentioned the SSC CHSL Syllabus.

Further details on SSC CHSL can be found on the related links provided below-

SSC CHSL Eligibility SSC CHSL Salary SSC CHSL Admit Card

SSC CHSL Preparation SSC CHSL Result SSC CHSL Mock Tests

SSC CHSL Apply Online SSC CHSL Cut Off SSC CHSL Exam Date

Stenographer: SSC conducts Stenographer Exam to recruit a person to work in a courtroom or any corporate place for legal proceedings. He/she transcribes spoken words by typing them into a steno machine, a kind of shorthand typewriter. Before starting the preparation for the Stenographer post, do check the SSC Stenographer Syllabus at the linked article.

Also, aspirants who wish to prepare for Stenographer exam can check out the links given below for further details-

SSC Stenographer Salary SSC Stenographer Cut Off

SSC Stenographer Result SSC Stenographer Admit Card

GD (General Duty) Constable: The SSC (General Duty) GD exam is conducted to recruit personnel for constable posts in BSF, CISF, ITBP, CRPF, Rifleman etc. Candidates can appear for the exam after 12th standard. The commission starts the process of this exam by releasing the SSC GD notification.  Candidates who are interested to appear for the GD examination can check the given links for detailed information on the exam.

SSC GD Syllabus SSC GD Salary SSC GD Admit Card

SSC GD Books SSC GD Result SSC GD Mock Tests

SSC GD Online Form SSC GD Cut Off SSC GD Exam Date

SSC MTS (Multi-Tasking Staff): SSC announces SSC MTS Notification to recruit eligible personnel for various non-technical posts in different department and ministries under Central Government. Candidates can appear for SSC MTS exam after they have passed 10th standard. Those who are interested to appear for the SSC Multitasking staff exam can check the relevant information about it from the links provided below-

SSC MTS Syllabus SSC MTS Salary SSC MTS Admit Card

SSC MTS Cut Off SSC MTS Result SSC MTS Full Form

Check the following links for the preparation of SSC exam After 12th:

SSC Preparation SSC Mock Tests

SSC Calendar SSC General Awareness

All Indian Defense Entrance Exams After 12th

National Defense Academy / Naval Academy Exam- The Union Public Service Commission releases NDA Notification to recruit eligible candidates who have passed their class 12th boards exam under 10+2 pattern of school education. through NDA exam candidates get admission in the Army, Navy and Air Force wings of NDA & Indian Naval Academy Course -INAC.

Further details regarding the NDA/NA exam can be checked on the linked pages.

NDA Syllabus NDA Salary

NDA Eligibility NDA Result

Career Options After 12th Science PCM Other Than Engineering

Times are changing, and there are plenty of options for you to choose from. So, 20 career options after 12th science PCM other than engineering are:

1. Bachelor of Architecture

The Bachelor of Architecture is a 5-year program that is an excellent option for you. In this course, you will learn the science behind the construction of buildings and how to create them by using correct structural planning most efficiently.

The eligibility criteria for this degree is that you have to clear your 12th board examination with a minimum of 50 % marks. The annual salary for government employees starting as architectures starts from 1.5 lacs, and in private companies, it is 2.5 lacs per annum.

2. B.Tech in Aeronautical Engineering

Though, we did not want to mention anything related to Engineering, we couldn’t skip this. Aeronautical Engineering is somewhat different than conventional engineering streams like computer science engineering, mechanical engineering, electronics and communication engineering etc.

It is the perfect blend of science and technology. There are a lot of new job openings for students due to less competition. The course teaches students how to develop new technologies in the fields of aircraft, satellite, spacecraft, etc.

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You can take up a specialization in subjects like construction, designing, navigational guidance, development, etc. There are plenty of job opportunities in private as well as public sectors. New airlines come up every day, and satellite technology is improving to make it more sustainable, so it is a good career option.

3. Ethical Hacking

Many institutions in India teach you the art of ethical hacking. It is a career that is quickly becoming popular in the whole world. This is the age of the internet, and with the boons that the internet brings to us, there are also plenty of drawbacks.

To combat unethical access to private accounts, trained professionals are required. Even the government in the top security jobs needs ethical hackers who will prevent their systems from getting hacked by enemies. This is a highly risky and exciting job which is not for all. But if you like challenges and want to give your career an impressive start, then this course is best for you.

4. Bachelor of Science – Physics degree

The BSc. Physics degree is a 3-year course, which is divided into six semesters according to UGCs latest guidelines. There are many Government, as well as private colleges that offer this degree.

The eligibility of this course is, the student must pass with the minimum marks prescribed by the college as the cutoff marks, with Physics, Chemistry, Maths/Biology as well as English. The average tuition fee for this course, all around India is 30000. There are many career options for a student after pursuing BSc. Physics – statistician, content developer, quality control manager etc.

5. Bachelor of Science in Chemistry

With PCM as a subject combination, you may love these subjects and want to stick with one of them. If chemistry is your favorite subject, there are many job options if you take it up for your bachelor’s degree. You can become a technical writer, chemist, as well as a researcher if you, for others, take up the subject as an academic endeavour.

6. Bachelor of Business Administration

This BBA Course degree is for three years. You will be eligible for this professional course if you can secure for yourself at least 50% in your board examination.

The course will be divided into six semesters. There are many career options available for you if you choose this as your path; ranging from HR, data analyst to project manager in an IT company.

7. Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) in Fashion Design

This is a 3-year course which teaches you the art and science of fashion designing. You can take up specialization in this course for footwear, clothing, accessories, etc. If you like science as well as arts subjects, then this course is perfect for you.

8. Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) Agriculture

This course is for four years, and it has a multidisciplinary approach that teaches you to plant biochemistry, management, agronomy, the study of pests and crops, etc. Some of the jobs that you can get with this subject’s specialization are agriculture officer, assistant plantation manager, agricultural research scientist, etc.

9. Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) Mathematics

This is a bachelor’s degree course for a duration of 3 years, and you can get a salary of 3 to 5 lacs per annum in the government teaching jobs if you do a post-graduate degree in mathematics after you complete your UG level graduation.

There are ample career options like – teacher, statistician, corporate trainer etc.

10. Bachelor of Science (B.Sc) Statistics

There are many jobs available that need statisticians to fill up the portfolio. This is a highly interesting subject that you can take up. It is a 3-year course. It is a skill that almost every sector needs. If you can get a specialization in some other subject along with this degree depending upon your interest, you will get the opportunity to work in some outstanding jobs in both corporate as well as government sector.

11. Bachelor of Science (B.Sc) Aviation

This is a great option for those who want to make a career in aviation. The annual average tuition fee for this subject ranges from 1.5 lacs to 2.5 lacs (source).

You can find a job as a Production & Maintenance manager, software testing engineer, aircraft maintenance engineer, etc.

12. Diploma in Nautical Science

This is a one year course for which you have to secure 55% in your board examination to be eligible to take up this diploma.

After completion of this diploma, you may get a chance to work in educational institutions, Indian Naval Sciences, port operations companies, weather forecasting centers, etc.

13. Bachelor of Science (B.Sc) Geology

This course is of 3 years and is offered in many private as well as government institutions. The average course tuition fee may range from 10,000 to 30,000 in India. If you complete a postgraduate degree in the same, you can explore career option in mineral extraction companies, private refineries, coal extraction companies, etc.

14. Bachelor of Design in Product Design

This is a three years academic course that is art-centric. It is very similar to the bachelor of fine arts, as many subjects are quite similar in both the courses. The average package for this is more than that of engineering, ranging from 4 lacs to 5 lacs per annum.

The field requires a lot of design thinking and staying updated about the market on what is trending.

15. Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) Forensic Sciences

This course teaches you the application of science to investigate crimes. The standard course fee can range from 30000 to 2,00,000 depending upon the institution.

Forensic studies is a very interesting course which helps you to work with both government and private agencies to solve crimes and cases.

You’d need an analytics and high presence of mind to pursue a career in the same.

16. Bachelor of Science (B.Sc) Computer Science

This 3-year course teaches you about topics which are related to computer application ranging from different software and hardware.

You can consider this as a mini engineering course as the subjects would be quite similar to what you have in an engineering programme.

This is the age of the computer, and it is a vital part of our life. Hence this course comes with lucrative career options. In the government-funded institutions, the course fees are as low as 15000. You can work as a system analyst, with a well-paid salary if you take this up as your subject.

17. Bachelor of Fashion Technology

This course is for four years, and the tuition fee is six lacs for three years. When you complete this course, you will find good jobs in textile designing, fashion designing as well as apparel merchandising, etc. You can expect a salary of 15000 to 25000 when you are starting.

18. Bachelor of Science in defense studies

It is a 3-year course, and it aims to produce better defence technologies in teaching the art of defence. There are many job opportunities if you take up the subject, including research work, manager marketing defence, etc.

19. Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) in Animation and Multimedia

It is a 3-year undergraduate course, and you can secure for yourself a successful career in multimedia and animation if you take it up. The average tuition fee can range from 1.5 lacs to 4.5 lacs.

Since both YouTube and digital media is popular than the mainstream media, there are ample career opportunities in this field.

You can explore career options in Bollywood, big media houses as well as animation houses across the country.

20. B.Sc. Physical Science

This 3-year course teaches students about earth sciences. The course fee can be from anywhere between 9,000 to 20,000 in government institutions. This job is an excellent option for people who are looking for a career in sustainable development.

We hope that you now know about different but some of the most lucrative career options apart from Engineering.

Think Beyond Engineering: 15 Trending Careers to Pursue with a PCM Combination

Majority of students with a PCM combination in class XII aspire to pursue engineering, and often struggle with the thought, “If not engineering, then what?”

Many PCM students naturally drift towards engineering after 12th, partially because they never actually stop to evaluate their options, and partially because they have been led by their parents/friends/the society to believe that engineering is the end-all, be-all of a PCM student. Now, what if you know that engineering is not the one for you, or were unable to clear the JEE and other engineering entrance exams?

Do you have any good career options open?

Well, popular belief would tell you there are not, and that’s exactly why you need to read this article.

Here are 15 promising career options for PCM students after class 12th other than Engineering.

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1. Architecture

Architectural marvels such as the Burj Khalifa, The Louvre, Petronas Towers,  and other buildings of the modern world don’t just pop out of thin air. These projects are intensive on planning, designing and architects do just that. They work closely with their clients to customise designs according to specifications and are involved in the creation and restoration of buildings, such as residential complexes, malls, commercial spaces, restaurants, etc. A career in architecture requires you to have keen observational skills, aesthetic sensitivity, critical thinking, a knack for efficient use of space, and an eye-for-detail.

Career Opportunities in Architecture: You can choose to specialise in numerous sub-fields, such as Urban Planning, Urban Design, Sustainable Architecture, Landscape Architecture, Architectural Conservation, Interior Design, Industrial Design, etc.

Some Top Colleges for Architecture: IIT Roorkee; Sir JJ College of Architecture; IIT Kharagpur; National Institute of Technology, Thiruchirapalli; School of Planning & Architecture, New Delhi; Centre for Environmental Planning and Technology (CEPT), Gujarat; Department of Architecture; NIT, Calicut

2. Physics

Right from the credit card we use to shop for clothes, to the smartphones we chat for hours on, every single object around us is governed by the laws of Physics. With the pervasive influence of Physics all around us, it is not hard to fathom that a career in Physics can provide one with countless opportunities. Physicists study a wide range of physical phenomena, such as matter, energy, magnetism, etc., and apply their understanding to advance research in various fields. A career in Physics requires one to have strong logical thinking skills, problem-solving capability, a methodical approach, and most importantly, an undying love for Physics!

Career Opportunities in Physics: With a Physics major, you develop skills that are applicable to various fields such as Econophysics, Defense, Aerospace, Healthcare, Computational Physics, Geophysics, High Energy Physics, Medical Physics, Biophysics, Nuclear Physics, and Data Science. You can also go for research or teaching in these areas.

Some Top Colleges for Physics: IISc, Bangalore; IISER (Multiple Locations); St. Stephen’s College, Delhi; Hansraj College, Delhi; Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi; St. Xavier’s College, Kolkata; St. Xavier’s College, Mumbai; Presidency University, Kolkata; Fergusson College, Pune; NISER, Odisha


3. Chemistry

Do you have the periodic table at your fingertips? Does learning about the various chemical reactions and structures that govern matter get you going? If yes, then this could probably be the field for you. Chemists study the properties, structure, composition, reactions and changes in matter. The remarkable thing about a career in Chemistry is its wide applicability, especially if you look forward to entering the field of research. But that is not to say that all Chemistry graduates end up wearing lab coats, as they can explore opportunities across Pharmaceuticals, Petroleum, Chemical, Healthcare, and Educational organizations.

Career Opportunities in Chemistry: There are also various specialised sub-fields in Chemistry you can explore, namely, Analytical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Environmental Chemistry, Food Chemistry, Flavour Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Metallurgy, Surface Chemistry, etc.

Some Top Colleges for Chemistry: St. Stephen’s College, Delhi; Loyola College, Chennai; Hansraj College, Delhi; Fergusson College, Pune; Madras Christian College, Chennai; St. Xavier’s College, Mumbai; St. Joseph’s College, Bangalore; Christ University, Bangalore

4. Mathematics

While it is true that most students prefer to stay at least a few miles away from the much-feared subject of Mathematics, those with a genuine love for it can build a satisfying and lucrative career in the domain. Mathematics forms an excellent base for fields involving computation, numbers and data. Thus, a degree in mathematics can be a stepping stone for a wide range of careers. During your course, you would gain a thorough understanding of mathematical principles and their origins, mathematical models, and their applications to real-world problems. Go for this field if you have superior analytical and logical abilities, a love for numbers, and an ability to deal with complex problems.

Career Opportunities in Mathematics: Mathematics graduates can look forward to careers in the domains of Actuarial Science, Data Science, Banking, Insurance, Finance, Meteorology, Stock Market, etc. They can be hired for various roles, including Market Research, Project Development, Numerical Analysis, Research Operations, and Financial Analyst, to name a few.

Some Top Colleges for Mathematics: Indian Statistical Institute (Multiple Locations); IIT Bombay; IIT Kharagpur; IIT Guwahati; IISc, Bangalore; IISER (Multiple Locations); Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai; St. Stephen’s College, Delhi; NISER, Odisha; Delhi Technological University (DTU), Delhi

5. Statistics

Statistics is yet another go-to field for those with a penchant for numbers and data. While a course in Mathematics deals more with theories and principles, Statistics aims to apply them in practice to analyse trends and make predictions. Statisticians blend their knowledge of Statistics and Maths to build data models for solving problems. Due to this very reason, Statistics majors are well-qualified to apply their skills to virtually any field requiring the analysis of data. If you possess analytical abilities, strong quantitative reasoning, are self-motivated, and do not mind spending your day crunching numbers, you can find yourself at home in this field.

Career Opportunities in Statistics: Statistics majors are actively hired in various fields such as Banking, Insurance, Actuarial Science, Investment, Healthcare, Pharmacology, Manufacturing, Data Science, Public Health and Policy, Education, Agriculture, etc. A statistics graduate can expect to hold various roles such as Market Researcher, Data Analyst, Insurance Underwriter, Social Scientist, Financial Analyst, Algorithm Designer, etc.

Some Top Colleges for Statistics: Indian Statistical Institute (Multiple Locations); Hindu College, Delhi; Ramjas College, Delhi; Lady Shri Ram College, Delhi; St. Xavier’s College, Mumbai; IIT Kanpur; IIT Bombay; Fergusson College, Pune; St. Xavier’s College, Kolkata


6. Aviation

While the previously-mentioned fields were mostly associated with research or desk jobs, Aviation would take you on a sky-high ride. A perfect mix of science, technology and travel, a career in Aviation can top your list if you are looking for a career to skip the 9-to-5.  Being a Commercial Pilot would require you to take command of a flight’s controls, and ensure that passengers and cargo are carried safely around the globe. Yet, the field of Aviation is not only limited to being a pilot

Career Opportunities in Aviation: As a Commercial Pilot, you can work with major international or regional airlines, fly cargo planes to transport goods/cargo, work as a corporate pilot to fly corporate jets, and also operate medical or air emergency planes. As an Aircraft Maintenance Engineer, you can find opportunities with major international and domestic airlines, airport authorities and aircraft manufacturing firms.

Some Top Colleges for Aviation: Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Uran Academy (IGRUA), Rae Bareilly; Rajiv Gandhi Academy of Aviation Technology, Kerala; National Flying Training Institute, Gondia; Bombay Flying Club, Mumbai; Indian Institute of Aeronautics, Delhi/Patna


7. Ethical Hacking

Ethical hacking, by its very name, sounds like an exciting and off-beat career, and it indeed is. A career with a new-age flair, Ethical Hacking is fast becoming a popular career option for students due to advancements in the technology space. Ethical Hackers, as opposed to their malicious counterparts, attempt to breach the security of a computer system, to find faults in the system’s defences. They bring to light any vulnerabilities in a company’s network security, so as to prevent a leak of sensitive information. It is not just a career for computer geeks and you can think about Ethical Hacking as a full-time career option if you have the right logical thinking and technical skills.

Career Opportunities in Ethical Hacking: As organizations are becoming increasingly concerned about their network security, they are hiring ethical hackers to protect themselves from cyber attacks. As an ethical hacker, you can work in various roles, such as Network Security Engineer, Network Security Administrator, Penetration Tester, Security Consultant, etc.

Some Top Colleges for Ethical Hacking: There are no degree programs in Ethical Hacking, only certification courses. Some top certification bodies include Indian School of Ethical Hacking (ISOEH), Kolkata; EC Council (Online); Ankit Fadia Certified Ethical Hacker (Multiple Locations/Online); NIIT Ethical Hacking (Multiple Locations); Arizona Infotech, Pune


8. Merchant Navy

Would you like a career that would take you all around the world? Would you like a job where you would be at sea for months on end? A career in Merchant Navy gives you exactly that and more. Unlike the Indian Navy, which defends the nation at sea, the Merchant Navy serves to facilitate international trade, by transporting cargo, goods, and commercial items across the globe. If you are resilient enough to handle being on a ship for prolonged periods with intermittent contact with family, this can be a highly rewarding career for you, both professionally and monetarily.

 Career Opportunities in Merchant Navy: You can work across the various departments of a merchant ship, including, the engine department, deck department, architecture department, and catering department. The job specifications and educational requirements for each department are different.

Some Top Colleges for Merchant Navy: Indian Maritime University (Multiple Locations); International Maritime Institute, Delhi NCR; Coimbatore Marine College, Coimbatore; International Maritime Academy, Chennai; Cochin University of Science and Technology (CUSAT), Cochin; Vels University, Chennai


9. Industrial Design

What does science have to do with design? Quite a lot, actually. As opposed to the traditional fields of design, such as fashion and apparel design, which a student from any stream can pursue, there are certain sub-fields of design that require the technical expertise of a science student. Product Designers (a sub-field of Industrial Design) are involved in the design and manufacture of products, ranging from mobile phones, Bluetooth headphones, smart watches, to wheelchairs, furniture, and home appliances. Yet another application of industrial design – Automobile Design deals with the design and manufacture of automobiles, such as cars, bikes, and even buses.

Career Opportunities in Industrial Design: You can explore opportunities as a Product Designer or Industrial Design Researcher in the manufacturing sector, research institutes, information technology companies, and with companies that deal with the design of innovative products. Opportunities for Automobile Designers are in abundance in the R&D departments of various automotive firms, such as General Motors, Honda, Tata Motors, etc.

Some Top Colleges for Industrial Design: IIT Bombay; IIT Guwahati; IIITDM, Jabalpur; National Institute of Design (Multiple Locations); Srishti Institute of Art, Design and Technology, Bangalore; Indian School of Design & Innovation, Mumbai; Symbiosis Institute of Design, Pune


10. Forensic Science

Many of us find investigative crime shows and movies fascinating, yet have you ever considered that it could be your full-time career option? A relatively new field in India, Forensic Science is rapidly creating a space for itself, owing to an increase in crime, and the need for a scientific, methodical approach to solving cases. Forensic Scientists scientifically collect evidence, document it, and analyse it in the laboratory. Forensic Science is an applied field, and utilises knowledge from various fields of science, including Chemistry, Physics, Anthropology, Biology, and even Computer Science. In order to pursue a career in this field, you need to be detail-oriented and have good observational and investigative skills.

Career Opportunities in Forensic Science: There are numerous applications of Forensic Science, and you can work as a Forensic Scientist, Forensic Toxicologist, Crime Scene Investigator, Forensic Anthropologist, Forensic Ballistics Expert, Polygraph Examiner, Digital Forensics Expert, etc.

Some Top Colleges for Forensic Science*: Delhi University; Gujarat Forensic Sciences University, Gandhinagar; Panjab University, Chandigarh; Lok Nayak Jayaprakash Narayan National Institute of Criminology & Forensic Science, Delhi; University of Madras, Chennai; Osmania University, Hyderabad

Friday, 20 November 2020

Work at home jobs

Work at home jobs

Health is often defined by physical, mental, social as well as financial well-being. And we have all witnessed the importance of being financially stable. The working hours of 9 to 5 were widely popular in the past decades as it brought about a sense of security and control in people's lives. 

But people often complain about having to travel for a long time to reach their workplace. This often results in arriving late to work which affects their daily progress. It becomes even more challenging for single parents who will have the responsibility of both the home and their workplace.

And for all these, Work from home jobs offer people the best alternative solution for all of these hurdles. It is also perfect for people who prefer to work from home at ease without having to step out of their house. 

Therefore, if you want to earn some extra income along with your main work then, this is the perfect job for you. These jobs can also be your backbone during a sudden crisis situation. It will save you from worrying about the lack of work and will serve as a lifeboat during certain problems.

The perks of working at home jobs are that people don’t have to worry about their appearance and can work happily at home wearing their cozy clothes. They don’t have to be in a crowded workplace, sit in one specific place, and complete their work. They can sit casually anywhere they want and work in their leisure time and earn money. 

People don’t have to spend a penny on traveling, work supplies, etc. this aid in saving their huge amount of money and time. They can simply complete their house chores and their work simultaneously.

Work at home jobs also let people spend more time with their loved ones without having to take leave from work. Now people can work even when they are out on a vacation with their family. 

Less traveling to work will reduce traffic jams and also help in controlling air pollution. This also reduces stress as people work in places which are comparatively quiet and peaceful. It also results in better performance by the employees.

Work from home jobs will increase the productivity of an employee which will increase in better decision-making skills. When the employees work during their leisure time or their own schedule there are lesser chances that they will hate their job and a lesser chance of turnover as well.

Finally, work at home jobs not only helps an individual in working in a safer and better environment, but it also enhances their performance by letting them work in their own pace which ensures there is an increase in productivity and creativity skills of the employee which makes their work less boring and it provides a stable financial status during any crisis situation.  

Freelance job online

 Freelance job online

Today, where working in an office is considered unsafe due to the ongoing viral outbreak, one must find a job which can be worked from home and to meet their daily expenses. To tick these two checkboxes one mere job is not enough. People need two or more jobs to fulfill their requirements. In such cases, you can go in for a Freelance job.

This freelance job is a job that permits people to work for different companies at the same time. This will not only let people earn money faster but also allows people to choose what kind of work they prefer and enjoy in doing it and It will reward people the benefit of working wherever they want.

Similarly, they can arrange their own schedule as long as the work is done well and the projects are submitted on time. This job is perfect for those who do not wish to work in a communal workplace where they cannot choose their job and complain about the lack of time to spend on oneself or with their loved ones.

Freelance jobs have an excellent relationship with several companies where people will be able to choose from a vast collection of projects that fits their talents and interests. It also enhances marketing skills. 

Individuals can come out of their comfort zone and try the various genres available in a freelance job which will help them to enhance their abilities in different fields. One can also obtain creativeness and experiment with their project to know which works the best for them.

The best part about this job is that it makes them skilled in different kinds of online platforms. It will help individuals to see life in a different way. It will help you learn different skills in a shorter period of time. 

Individuals can choose how much they would like to work, what they would prefer working on, who they want to associate with, and they are allowed to choose how long they would like to work.

And since it is a work from home job individuals do not have to go spending on traveling or purchase a formal outfit just to appear formal.  As every freelancer can wear whatever they are comfortable with and work peacefully at home.

To sum with, this job not only provides people a good benefit of earning more money from home, but also makes jobs quite interesting where individuals can learn new skills each day. They don’t have to worry about somebody stealing the credit of their work. 

It helps individuals see life from a different perspective. It will also open doors for new opportunities which will help them work more efficiently. All in all, it is a satisfactory job for anyone who likes to be their own boss and chase the thrill of new experience each day.

Thursday, 5 November 2020

Modern Coach Factory Recruitment 2020

  MCF Raebareli Apprentice Recruitment 2020: Modern Coach Factory (MCF) invites online applications for engagement of Act Apprentices (3rd Batch) under the Apprentices Act 1961 for impairing training at MCF Raebareli. Eligible candidates apply online

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✅ Vacancy Trades:

✔️ Fitter - 55 Vacancies

✔️ Electrician - 35 Vacancies

✔️ Welder - 20 Vacancies

✅ Age Limit: 15 – 24 years as on 1st December 2020. The Upper age limit is relaxable by 05 years for SC / ST, 03 years for OBC and 10 years for PwD.

✅ Stipend: As per Apprentice Rules.

✅ Educational Qualifications:

✔️ The candidate must have passed 10th class examination (Matric) examination or its equivalent with minimum 50% marks in aggregate.

✔️ The Candidate must have passed ITI in relevant trade issued by NCVT / SCVT recognized by Government of India.

✅ Selection Process:

✔️ Selection of Act Apprentices is to be made on the basis of merit prepared taking the percentage marks obtained by the candidate in 10th class.

✔️ A Final merit list will be prepared trade wise and community wise, equal to the number of slots.

✅ Application Fee:

✔️ A Non refundable fee of 100/- for General / OBC category candidates.

✔️ No fee for SC / ST / EWS / PwBD / Women Candidates.

✔️ The fee is to be paid through online mode.

✅ How to Apply: Eligible Interested candidates are advised to submit online application through MCF Recruitment portal @

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✅ Important Dates:

Notification Date: 02/11/2020 12.00 Hours

Last Date for Registration: 01/12/2020 12.00 Hours

Last Date Fee Payment: 01/12/2020 12.00 Hours

Last Date Upload Document: 02/12/2020 23.59 Hours

Central University of Gujarat 2020

 CUG Recruitment 2020-21: Central University of Gujarat (CUG) invites online applications from eligible Indian Nationals for appointment of following Group -A Non Teaching and other Academic positions. The last date for registration of online application is 19th November 2020.

Read more: Central University of Gujarat Recruitment 2020 Apply Online 12 Faculty, Non Teaching Vacancies |

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✅ Teaching Posts: The Teaching posts are in Rolling Advertisement. Applications received after 19/11/2020 (Last date of online application) for Teaching posts will be considered in the next phase of scrutiny and Interview, subject to the condition that the vacancy continues in the composite rolling advertisement. 

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✅ Age Limit: Preferably below 57 years.

✅ Pay Scales:

✔️ Registrar / Finance Officer / Controller of Examination / Librarian: Pay Level 14 144200 - 218200

✔️ Internal Audit Officer: ₹ 78800 - 209200

✔️ Assistant Registrar: ₹ 56100 - 177500

✔️ Assistant Librarian: ₹ 57700 - 182400

✔️ Executive Engineer: ₹ 67700 - 208700

✔️ Information Scientist / System Analyst: ₹ 56100 - 177500

✅ Educational Qualification and Experience:

✔️ Registrar / Finance Officer / Controller of Examination: Master’s degree with at least 55% of the marks or an equivalent grade . At least 15 years of experience as Assistant Professor.

✔️ Librarian: Master Degree in Library Science/ Information Science/ Documentation Science with at least 55% of marks or an equivalent grade. At least 10 years experience as a Librarian.

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✔️ Deputy Librarian: Master Degree in Library Science/ Information Science/ Documentation Science with at least 55% of marks or an equivalent grade. Minimum 08 years experience as an Assistant University Librarian/ College Librarian.

✔️ Internal Audit Officer: By drawing officers belonging to Audit and Accounts Services or other similar organised Accounts Services in Central / State Govt., holding analogous posts on regular basis.

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✔️ Assistant Registrar: Master’s Degree with at least 55% of the marks or an equivalent grade.

✔️ Assistant Librarian: A Master’s degree in Library Science, Information Science or Documentation Science or an equivalent professional degree with at least 55% of marks (or an equivalent grade). NET Qualification.

✔️ Executive Engineer: 1st class B.E. / B.Tech in Civil Engineering. Minimum 08 years experience in relevant field.

✔️ Information Scientist: First Class M.E. / M.Tech. (Computer Science) / Information Technology) Or equivalent. (OR) First Class B.E. / B.Tech (Computer Science) / Information Technology) or equivalent with two years of relevant experience. (OR) First Class Master in Computer Applications (MCA) or equivalent with two years of relevant experience. (OR) First Class M.Sc.(Computer Science/ Information Technology) from a recognized University/ Institute with three years of relevant experience.


✔️ System Analyst: First class M.E. /M.Tech. (Computer Science & Technology)/ Information Technology)/MCA/ M.Sc. (Computer Science/Information Technology) or equivalent (OR) First class B.E./B. Tech. (Computer Science & Technology/ Information Technology) or equivalent with two years of relevant experience.

Read more: Central University of Gujarat Recruitment 2020 Apply Online 12 Faculty, Non Teaching Vacancies |

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Assistant Jobs 2020

 Assistant Jobs 2020 for both fresher and experienced 10th 12th passed Indian Citizens. Different type of Assistant Job vacancies available in Government Sector, such as Office Assistant, Work Assistant, Personal Assistant, Receptionist, Junior Assistant and Attendant Jobs. Early years, Assistant Job profile is Help with writing the letter and Typing. In Modern India, Office Assistant was an intelligent user interface for Microsoft Office.

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Now a days, Assistant Job vacancy requires Computer Knowledge. In this page, IndGovtJobs blog updates Free Jobs Alert for both Fresher's and Experienced 8th Pass, 10th Pass and 12th Pass Assistants. Office Assistant Recruitment 2020 in Central Government, State Government, Public Sector Companies, Govt Schools / Colleges, Government Hospitals, Indian Railways and Banking Sectors.

Read more: Assistant Jobs 2020 | Office Assistant, Attendant Jobs | 4585 Govt Vacancies

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✅ Minimum Educational Qualification:

✔️ VIII Standard / 8th Class Pass

✔️ SSC, Matriculation, 10th Class, SSLC Pass

✔️ 10+2, 12th Class, HSC Pass

Read more: Assistant Jobs 2020 | Office Assistant, Attendant Jobs | 4585 Govt Vacancies

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