Thursday, 22 March 2018

इलेक्ट्रॉनिक्स कॉर्पोरेशन ऑफ़ इंडिया लिमिटेड ECIL Jobs Recruitment

 ECIL (इलेक्ट्रॉनिक्स कॉर्पोरेशन ऑफ़ इंडिया लिमिटेड) ने टेक्निकल ऑफिसर एवं साइंटिफिक असिस्टेंट पदों के लिए रोजगार समाचार (Employment News) प्रकाशित किया है सभी उम्मीदवारों से निवेदन है की इस सरकारी नौकरी के लिए आवेदन करने से पहले रोजगार संबंधी सभी आवश्यक जानकारियाँ पढ़ लें उसके बाद ही आवेदन करें |
Electronics Corporation of India Limited Recruitment
शैक्षिक योग्यता - कंप्यूटर साइंस इंजीनियरिंग डिप्लोमा / इंजीनियरिंग डिग्री (इलेक्ट्रॉनिक्स एंड कम्युनिकेशन / कंप्यूटर साइंस) + 1 साल का एक्सपीरियंस अथवा इसके समकक्ष डिग्री होने पर भी मान्य हैं कृपया सटीक जानकारी के लिए इस रोजगार के लिए प्रकाशित नोटिफिकेशन जरूर देखें |
रिक्त पदों की संख्या - 06 पद
रिक्त पदों का नाम -
1. टेक्निकल ऑफिसर (Technical Officer)
2. साइंटिफिक असिस्टेंट - ए (Scientific Assistant - A)
नौकरी प्रकाशित होने की तिथि - 15-03-2018
आवेदन करने के लिए अंतिम तिथि एवं समय - 21-03-2018 को शाम 04:00 PM तक
हार्ड कॉपी पहुँचाने की अंतिम तिथि एवं समय - 29-03-2018 को शाम 04:00 PM तक
आयु सीमा क्या है - उम्मीदवार की आयु 28-02-2018 के अनुसार 30 (पोस्ट - 1) / 25 (पोस्ट - 2) वर्ष से अधिक नहीं होनी चाहिए | कृपया आयु में छूट एवं अन्य जानकारियों के लिए प्रकाशित नोटिफिकेशन देखिये |
इस जॉब में सिलेक्शन कैसे होगा - इस Govt Job के लिए, रिटेन टेस्ट / इंटरव्यू में प्रदर्शन के अनुसार कैंडिडेट का सिलेक्शन होगा |
सैलरी कितनी मिलेगी - नोटिफिकेशन के अनुसार वेतनमान इस प्रकार है -
पोस्ट 1 - 21,000 /- रुपये
पोस्ट 2 - 16,978 /- रुपये
आवेदन कैसे करें - आवेदन करने के लिए उम्मीदवार नीचे दी गयी ऑफीशियल वेबसाइट पे जा सकते है वेबसाइट पे जाकर लॉगिन करें एवं सारी आवश्यक जानकारियाँ भरें, एवं उपलब्ध माध्यमों से आवेदन की फीस भरें |
नोट - ECIL Recruitment से सम्बंधित अधिक जानकारियों के लिए आप पब्लिश्ड नोटिफिकेशन देख सकते है कृपया इस जानकारी को अपने दोस्तों को शेयर करें एवं उनकी हेल्प करें एवं दैनिक रोजगार के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें
ऑफिशियल नोटिफिकेशन यहाँ देखें (ECIL Job 2018)
ऑनलाइन आवेदन यहाँ करें

BTech Admissions 2018 | CSE, ECE & BioTech Programmes?

इंस्टिट्यूट ऑफ़ बैंकिंग पर्सनेल सलेक्शन IBPS Jobs Recruitment

 IBPS मुंबई, महाराष्ट्र (इंस्टिट्यूट ऑफ़ बैंकिंग पर्सनेल सलेक्शन) ने बैंकर फैकल्टी पदों के लिए रोजगार समाचार (Employment News) प्रकाशित किया है सभी उम्मीदवारों से निवेदन है की इस सरकारी नौकरी के लिए आवेदन करने से पहले रोजगार संबंधी सभी आवश्यक जानकारियाँ पढ़ लें उसके बाद ही आवेदन करें |
Institute Of Banking Personnel Selection Mumbai Maharashtra Recruitment
शैक्षिक योग्यता - बी.ई. / बी.टेक. / एएमआईई (इलेक्ट्रिकल / मैकेनिकल / सिविल / इलेक्ट्रॉनिक एंड टेलीकॉम / इंस्ट्रूमेंटेशन) + 15 साल का एक्सपीरियंस अथवा इसके समकक्ष डिग्री होने पर भी मान्य हैं कृपया सटीक जानकारी के लिए इस रोजगार के लिए प्रकाशित नोटिफिकेशन जरूर देखें |
रिक्त पदों की संख्या - 01 पद
रिक्त पदों का नाम - बैंकर फैकल्टी - टेक्निकल (Banker Faculty - Technical)
नौकरी प्रकाशित होने की तिथि - 16-03-2018
आवेदन करने के लिए अंतिम तिथि एवं समय - 27-03-2018 को शाम 05:00 PM तक
आयु सीमा क्या है - उम्मीदवार की आयु 01-03-2018 के अनुसार 63 वर्ष से अधिक नहीं होनी चाहिए | कृपया आयु में छूट एवं अन्य जानकारियों के लिए प्रकाशित नोटिफिकेशन देखिये |
इस जॉब में सिलेक्शन कैसे होगा - इस Govt Job के लिए, शॉर्टलिस्टिंग और इंटरव्यू में प्रदर्शन के अनुसार कैंडिडेट का सिलेक्शन होगा |
आवेदन कैसे करें - इस सरकारी नौकरी के लिए आपको ऑफलाइन आवेदन करना पड़ेगा | डाक्यूमेंट्स और एप्लीकेशन फॉर्म भेजने का पता जानने के लिए प्रकाशित नोटिफिकेशन देखें |
नोट - IBPS Mumbai Maharashtra Recruitment से सम्बंधित अधिक जानकारियों के लिए आप पब्लिश्ड नोटिफिकेशन देख सकते है कृपया इस जानकारी को अपने दोस्तों को शेयर करें एवं उनकी हेल्प करें एवं दैनिक रोजगार के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें
ऑफिशियल नोटिफिकेशन यहाँ देखें (IBPS Job 2018) एवं आवेदन फॉर्म

management quota admission in top engineering colleges

जळगाव शहर महानगरपालिका JCMC Jobs Recruitment

JCMC महाराष्ट्र (जळगाव शहर महानगरपालिका) ने मेडिकल ऑफिसर, नर्स, एएनएम, तकनीशियन एवं फार्मासिस्ट पदों के लिए रोजगार समाचार (Employment News) प्रकाशित किया है सभी उम्मीदवारों से निवेदन है की इस सरकारी नौकरी के लिए आवेदन करने से पहले रोजगार संबंधी सभी आवश्यक जानकारियाँ पढ़ लें उसके बाद ही आवेदन करें |
 Jalgaon City Municipal Corporation Maharashtra Recruitment
शैक्षिक योग्यता - 10 वीं + एएनएम / 12 वीं + जीएनएम / बी.एससी. + डीएमएलटी / डी.फॉर्मा. / एमबीबीएस डिग्री / पोस्ट ग्रेजुएट डिग्री / डिप्लोमा अथवा इसके समकक्ष डिग्री होने पर भी मान्य हैं कृपया सटीक जानकारी के लिए इस रोजगार के लिए प्रकाशित नोटिफिकेशन जरूर देखें |
रिक्त पदों की संख्या - 29 पद
रिक्त पदों का नाम -
1. मेडिकल ऑफिसर - फुल टाइम (Medical Officer - Full Time)
2. मेडिकल ऑफिसर - पार्ट टाइम (Medical Officer - Part Time)
3. स्टाफ नर्स (Staff Nurse)
4. एएनएम (ANM)
5. लैब तकनीशियन (Lab Technician)
6. फार्मासिस्ट (Pharmacist)
नौकरी प्रकाशित होने की तिथि - 16-03-2018
स्किल टेस्ट / इंटरव्यू की तिथि - Post - 1-4 - 20-03-2018 | Post - 5,6 - 21-03-2018
आयु सीमा क्या है - उम्मीदवार की आयु 45 (पोस्ट - 1) / 38 (पोस्ट - 2-6) वर्ष से अधिक नहीं होनी चाहिए | कृपया आयु में छूट एवं अन्य जानकारियों के लिए प्रकाशित नोटिफिकेशन देखिये |
इस जॉब में सिलेक्शन कैसे होगा - इस Govt Job के लिए, स्किल टेस्ट / इंटरव्यू में प्रदर्शन के अनुसार कैंडिडेट का सिलेक्शन होगा |
सैलरी कितनी मिलेगी - नोटिफिकेशन के अनुसार वेतनमान इस प्रकार है -
पोस्ट 1 - 40,000 /- रुपये
पोस्ट 2 - 28,350 /- रुपये
पोस्ट 3 - 12,000 /- रुपये
पोस्ट 4 - 8,640 /- रुपये
पोस्ट 5 - 8,400 /- रुपये
पोस्ट 6 - 10,000 /- रुपये
आवेदन कैसे करें - इस सरकारी नौकरी के लिए आपको ऑफलाइन आवेदन करना पड़ेगा | डाक्यूमेंट्स और एप्लीकेशन फॉर्म भेजने का पता जानने के लिए प्रकाशित नोटिफिकेशन देखें |
नोट - JCMC Jalgaon Maharashtra Recruitment से सम्बंधित अधिक जानकारियों के लिए आप पब्लिश्ड नोटिफिकेशन देख सकते है कृपया इस जानकारी को अपने दोस्तों को शेयर करें एवं उनकी हेल्प करें एवं दैनिक रोजगार के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें
ऑफिशियल नोटिफिकेशन यहाँ देखें (JCMC Job 2018) एवं आवेदन फॉर्म

visit for direct admission in engineering

कर्नाटक राज्य पुलिस KSP Jobs Recruitment

 KSP (कर्नाटक राज्य पुलिस) ने स्पेशल रिज़र्व पुलिस कांस्टेबल पदों के लिए रोजगार समाचार (Employment News) प्रकाशित किया है सभी उम्मीदवारों से निवेदन है की इस सरकारी नौकरी के लिए आवेदन करने से पहले रोजगार संबंधी सभी आवश्यक जानकारियाँ पढ़ लें उसके बाद ही आवेदन करें |
Karnataka State Police Recruitment for Special Reserve Police Constable
 शैक्षिक योग्यता - 10 वीं + कन्नड़ भाषा का ज्ञान अथवा इसके समकक्ष डिग्री होने पर भी मान्य हैं कृपया सटीक जानकारी के लिए इस रोजगार के लिए प्रकाशित नोटिफिकेशन जरूर देखें |
रिक्त पदों की संख्या - 419 पद
रिक्त पदों का नाम - स्पेशल रिज़र्व पुलिस कांस्टेबल (Special Reserve Police Constable - SRPC - KSRP - Men & PC - IRB - Men)
नौकरी प्रकाशित होने की तिथि - 20-03-2018
आवेदन करने के लिए अंतिम तिथि - 09-04-2018
आवेदन फीस जमा करने की अंतिम तिथि - 11-04-2018
आयु सीमा क्या है - उम्मीदवार की आयु 19-03-2018 के अनुसार 18-25 (General Merit) / 27 (2A/2B/3A/3B/SC/ST/Cat-I) / 30 (Tribal) साल की उम्र के बीच होनी चाहिए | कृपया आयु में छूट एवं अन्य जानकारियों के लिए प्रकाशित नोटिफिकेशन देखिये |
इस जॉब में सिलेक्शन कैसे होगा - इस Govt Job के लिए, एन्ड्योरेंस टेस्ट, फिजिकल स्टैण्डर्ड टेस्ट और रिटेन टेस्ट प्रदर्शन के अनुसार कैंडिडेट का सिलेक्शन होगा |
सैलरी कितनी मिलेगी - नोटिफिकेशन के अनुसार वेतनमान 11,600-21,000 /- रुपये रहेगा |
आवेदन की फीस क्या होगी - आवेदन करने की फीस सामान्य वर्ग के लिए 250 (General Merit/2A/2B/3A/3B) / 100 (SC/ST/Cat-I/Tribal) /- रहेगी | आवेदन में छूट की अधिक जानकारी के लिए आप प्रकाशित नोटिफिकेशन देख सकते है जिसमे सभी वर्गों के लिए क्लासिफाइड जानकारियाँ प्रकाशित है |
आवेदन कैसे करें - आवेदन करने के लिए उम्मीदवार नीचे दी गयी ऑफीशियल वेबसाइट पे जा सकते है वेबसाइट पे जाकर लॉगिन करें एवं सारी आवश्यक जानकारियाँ भरें, एवं उपलब्ध माध्यमों से आवेदन की फीस भरें |
नोट - KSP Karnataka Recruitment से सम्बंधित अधिक जानकारियों के लिए आप पब्लिश्ड नोटिफिकेशन देख सकते है कृपया इस जानकारी को अपने दोस्तों को शेयर करें एवं उनकी हेल्प करें एवं दैनिक रोजगार के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें
ऑफिशियल नोटिफिकेशन यहाँ देखें (KSP Job 2018)
ऑनलाइन आवेदन यहाँ करें

Direct Admission – 7209831889 Admission in BE/B.Tech Colleges

बाबू जगजीवन राम मेमोरियल हॉस्पिटल BJRMH Jobs Recruitment

BJRMH दिल्ली (बाबू जगजीवन राम मेमोरियल हॉस्पिटल) ने सीनियर रेसिडेंट पदों के लिए रोजगार समाचार (Employment News) प्रकाशित किया है सभी उम्मीदवारों से निवेदन है की इस सरकारी नौकरी के लिए आवेदन करने से पहले रोजगार संबंधी सभी आवश्यक जानकारियाँ पढ़ लें उसके बाद ही आवेदन करें |
Babu Jagjivan Ram Memorial Hospital New Delhi Recruitment
शैक्षिक योग्यता - एमबीबीएस डिग्री / पोस्ट ग्रेजुएट डिग्री / डिप्लोमा अथवा इसके समकक्ष डिग्री होने पर भी मान्य हैं कृपया सटीक जानकारी के लिए इस रोजगार के लिए प्रकाशित नोटिफिकेशन जरूर देखें |
रिक्त पदों की संख्या - 07 पद
रिक्त पदों का नाम - सीनियर रेसिडेंट (Senior Resident)
नौकरी प्रकाशित होने की तिथि - 18-03-2018
इंटरव्यू की तिथि एवं समय - 21-03-2018 को सुबह 09:00 AM से
रजिस्ट्रेशन का समय - सुबह 10:00 AM से दोपहर 12:00 PM तक
आयु सीमा क्या है - उम्मीदवार की आयु 21-03-2018 के अनुसार 40 वर्ष से अधिक नहीं होनी चाहिए | कृपया आयु में छूट एवं अन्य जानकारियों के लिए प्रकाशित नोटिफिकेशन देखिये |
इस जॉब में सिलेक्शन कैसे होगा - इस Govt Job के लिए, इंटरव्यू में प्रदर्शन के अनुसार कैंडिडेट का सिलेक्शन होगा |
सैलरी कितनी मिलेगी - नोटिफिकेशन के अनुसार वेतनमान 67,700-2,08,700/- रुपये + अन्य भत्ते रहेंगे |
आवेदन कैसे करें - इस सरकारी नौकरी के लिए आपको ऑफलाइन आवेदन करना पड़ेगा | डाक्यूमेंट्स और एप्लीकेशन फॉर्म भेजने का पता जानने के लिए प्रकाशित नोटिफिकेशन देखें |
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Direct Admission in BE/B.Tech Colleges under Management Quota ...

Wednesday, 21 March 2018

Direct Admission in Engineering Colleges

Direct Admission in Engineering Colleges in Delhi

Now get direct admission in engineering colleges of Delhi NCR and Ghaziabad.We provide direct admission in engineering/BE/BTech in top engineering colleges in Delhi,Noida,Gurgaon,Ghaziabad region.The eligibility criteria required for direct admission in Engineering colleges of Delhi is 50% in physics, Chemistry & Maths at 10+2. We provide direct admission irrespective of academic marks and entrance score either through management quota seats or institute level vacant seats.
Please find below the list of Engineering Colleges in Delhi NCR & Ghaziabad with tuition fees for direct admission in BE/Btech program

 1.Maharaja Surajmal Institute of Technology

 Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University

 C-4, Janakpuri, Delhi, Delhi NCR-100058

 Information Technology 60

Electrical & Electronics Engineering 60

Electronics & Communication Engineering 120

Computer Science & Engineering 120

Rs 79,060/year

ITM University Gurgaon

Private University

Huda ,Sector 23-A Gurgaon,  Haryana - 122017

Mechanical Engineering 100

Information Technology 50

Electronics & Communication Engineering 150

Electrical & Electronics Engineering 50

Computer Science & Engineering 150

Civil Engineering 50

Rs 1,86,000/year

 2.Sharda University

 private university

 Plot No. 32-34, Knowledge Park III, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh - 201306

 Mechanical Engineering

Information Technology

Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering

Electronics & Communication Engineering

Electrical & Electronics Engineering

Computer Science & Engineering

Civil Engineering

Bio Technology

Automobile Engineering

Rs 1,50,000/year

 3.Galgotia’s College of Engineering & Technology (GCET)

    Gautam Buddh Technical University

    1, Knowledge Park, Phase II, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh - 201306

    Mechanical Engineering 120

Information Technology 120

Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering 120

Electronics & Communication Engineering 120

Electrical & Electronics Engineering 120

Computer Science & Engineering 120

Civil Engineering 120

Rs 1,07,750/year

 4.Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Technology

   Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University\

   PSP area, Plot No.1, Sector-22, Rohini, Delhi, Delhi NCR-110086

    Mechanical Engineering 120Information Technology 120

Electronics & Communication Engineering 120

Electrical & Electronics Engineering 120

Computer Science & Engineering 120 

Rs 81,000/year

 5.Krishna Institute of Engineering & Technology

Gautam Buddh Technical University

Ghaziabad - Meerut Highway (NH-58), P.Box-02, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh - 201206

Civil Engineering 120

Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering 60

Mechanical Engineering 120

Information Technology 120

Electrical & Electronics Engineering 120

Electronics & Communication Engineering 120

Computer Science & Engineering 120

Rs 80,300/year

 6.Amity School of Engineering Technology

Delhi palam road, Bijwasan, Delhi NCR
Mechanical Engineering 60

Information Technology 60

Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering 60

Electronics & Communication Engineering 60

Computer Science & Engineering 60

Rs 53,000/year

 7.CPJ Institute of Management and Technology

Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University

223 , FIE Patperganj Industrial Estate

Delhi, Delhi NCR- 110092

Computer Science & Engineering

Electronics & Communication Engineering

Electrical & Electronics Engineering

Information Technology

Mechanical Engineering

Civil Engineering

Telecom Engineering

Engineering Physics

Mathematics & Computing

 8. Babu Banarsi Das Institute of Technology 

    Gautam Buddh Technical University
7th KM Mile Stone from Ghaziabad on Delhi-Meerut Road (NH-58), Duhai,

Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh - 201206

Civil Engineering 60

Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering 30

Mechanical Engineering 120

Information Technology 60

Electrical & Electronics Engineering 60

Electronics & Communication Engineering 120

Computer Science & Engineering 120

Rs 87,000/year

 9. Jims Engineering Management Technical Campus

Maha Maya Technical University

48/4 Knowledge Park III, greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh- 201310
Electronics & Communication Engineering

Computer Science & Engineering

Electrical & Electronics Engineering

Mechanical Engineering

Civil Engineering

Rs 80,000/year

 10.JSS Academy of Technical Education-Noid 

    Maha Maya Technical University

C-20/1, Sector-62, Noida, Uttar Pradesh- 201301

Information Technology

Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering

Electronics & Communication Engineering

Electrical & Electronics Engineering

Computer Science & Engineering

Civil Engineering

Mechanical Engineering 
Rs 81,700/year

 11.Dronacharya College of Engineering - Gurgaon
Maharshi Dayanand University

Khentawas, Farrukh Nagar, Gurgaon, Haryana-123506

Mechanical Engineering 180

Information Technology 120

Electronics & Communication Engineering 60

Electrical & Electronics Engineering 60

Computer Science & Engineering 60

Computer Engineering 180

Civil Engineering 120 

Rs 90,000/year

 12.Noida International University

Plot No. 1, Sector 17-A, Yamuna Expressway, Gautam Budh Nagar, Opposite F1 Track,
Noida, Uttar Pradesh - 201308

Electrical Engineering

Automobile Engineering

Civil Engineering

Bio Technology

Mechanical Engineering

Information Technology

Electrical & Electronics Engineering

Electronics & Communication Engineering

Computer Science & Engineering

Rs 1,28,000/year

13.MGM’s College of Engineering & Technology - Noida
Maha Maya Technical University
A-9, Sector- 62, Noida, Uttar Pradesh- 201307
Mechanical Engineering 120

Electronics & Communication Engineering 120

Computer Science & Engineering 60

Civil Engineering 60

Rs 85,000/year

 14.AKG (Ajay Kumar Garg) Engineering College
Maha Maya Technical University
27 Km Stone, NH 24, Delhi- Hapur Bypass Road Adhyatmik Nagar,,
Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh - 201009

Information Technology 120

Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering 60

Electronics & Communication Engineering 180

Electrical & Electronics Engineering 120

Computer Science & Engineering 180

Civil Engineering 60

Mechanical Engineering 180

Rs 1,07,000/year

 15.World College of Technology & Management

Maharshi Dayanand University

Farukhnagar (Kherakhurampur) Gurgaon, Haryana - 122506

Electrical Engineering 60

Automobile Engineering 60

Civil Engineering 120

Mechanical Engineering 120

Information Technology 60

Electronics & Communication Engineering 120

Computer Science & Engineering 120

Rs 87,000/year

 16.Ansal University

State private university
Sector 55, Golf Course Road,
Gurgaon, Haryana - 122003

Civil Engineering

Mechanical Engineering

Electrical & Electronics Engineering

Electronics & Communication Engineering

Computer Science & Engineering

 17.Bharati Vidyapeeth’s College of Engineering
Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University

A-4, Paschim Vihar, New Rohtak Raod, (In front of Paschim Vihar East Metro Station),
Delhi, Delhi NCR - 110063

Information Technology 60

Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering 60

Electronics & Communication Engineering 120

Electrical & Electronics Engineering 60

Computer Science & Engineering 60

Rs 95,000/year

 18. BM Group of Institutions
Maharshi Dayanand University

5 Km Stone, Farrukhnagar-Heileymandi Road,Gurgaon, Haryana - 122506 

Civil Engineering 60

Mechanical Engineering 120

Electrical & Electronics Engineering 60

Electronics & Communication Engineering 120

Computer Science & Engineering 60

Rs 80,000/year

19.Vishveshwarya Institute of Engineering and Technology
Maha Maya Technical University

20 Km. Ghaziabad - Bulandshahr G.T. Road, dadri, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh - 203207

Mechanical Engineering 120

Information Technology 60

Electrical & Electronics Engineering 120

Electronics & Communication Engineering 60

Computer Science & Engineering 120

Rs 1,03,450/year

Hostel Rs 58,000/year

 20.DJ College of Engineering and Technology
Maha Maya Technical University

Yakutpur Mawi, Niwari Road, Modinagar, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh - 201204

Mechanical Engineering 120

Information Technology 60

Electronics & Communication Engineering 120

Electrical & Electronics Engineering 60

Computer Science & Engineering 90

Civil Engineering 60
Rs 70,700/ year

 21.Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology - (IIIT Delhi)
State university

Okhla Industrial Estate,Phase III, (Near Govind Puri Metro Station),
Delhi, Delhi NCR - 110020

Electronics & Communication Engineering 50

Computer Science & Engineering 120

Rs 1,40,000/year

 22.IEC College of Engineering & Technology
Gautam Buddh Technical University

Plot No. 4, Institutional Area, Surajpur Kasna Road, Knowledge Park - 1,
Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh - 201310

Civil Engineering 90

Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering 60

Mechanical Engineering 120

Information Technology 120

Electrical & Electronics Engineering 120

Electronics & Communication Engineering 120

Computer Science & Engineering 120
Rs 85,200/year

 23.Guru Premsukh Memorial College of Engineering
Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University
245, Budhpur Village, G. T. Karnal Road, Delhi, Delhi NCR- 110036
Mechanical Engineering 60

Information Technology 60

Electronics & Communication Engineering 60

Computer Science & Engineering 60

Rs 95,000/year

 24.HMR Institute of Technology and Management
Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University
Plot No. 370, Hamidpur, Delhi, Delhi NCR-110036
Mechanical Engineering 120

Information Technology 60

Electronics & Communication Engineering 120

Electrical & Electronics Engineering 120

Computer Science & Engineering 120
Rs 84,000/year

 25. University School of Management Studies (USMS)

    Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University

    Guru Govind Singh Indraprastha University ,Kashmere Gate,

Delhi, Delhi NCR - 110066

Dual Degree -B.Tech + MBA

5 years program after 10+2 Science.

Rs 98,000/year

 26.KIIT World - Gurgaon
Maharshi Dayanand University
Sohna Road, Near Bhondsi, Gurgaon, Haryana- 122102
Civil Engineering 60 Mechanical Engineering 60

Electrical & Electronics Engineering 60

Electronics &Communication Engineering 120

Computer Science & Engineering 120
Rs 88,000/year

 27.Guru Tegh Bahadur Institute of Technology (GTBIT)
Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University
G-8 Area, Rajouri Garden, Delhi, Delhi NCR- 110064

Information Technology 120

Electronics & Communication Engineering 120

Electrical & Electronics Engineering 60

Computer Science & Engineering 120

Rs 98,000/year

 28.Gurgaon Institute of Technology & Management (GITM)
Maharshi Dayanand University
Bilaspur-Tauru Road, Delhi-Jaipur Highway (NH-8) Gurgaon, Haryana - 122413
Mechanical Engineering 120

Electronics & Communication Engineering 120

Computer Science & Engineering 120

Rs 87,000/year

 29. Noida Institute of Engineering & Technology
Maha Maya Technical University
19, Knowledge Park II, Institutional Area, Greater Noida, UP 201306
Civil Engineering 120

Chemical Engineering 60

Mechanical Engineering 240

Information Technology 120

Electrical & Electronics Engineering 120

Electronics & Communication Engineering 240

Computer Science & Engineering 240

Rs 1,07,000/year

 30. Ideal Institute of Technology & Management

Maha Maya Technical University

Ideal Knowledge Park, Near Gaur Homes, Govindpuram, Ghaziabad, UP - 201003

Civil Engineering

Computer Science & Engineering

Electronics & Control Engineering

Mechanical Engineering
Rs 85,000/year

 31. ABES Engineering College
Gautam Buddh Technical University

19th KM Stone, NH-24, Delhi-Hapur, Bypass Road, Vijay Nagar, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh- 201009
Mechanical Engineering 180

Information Technology 60

Electronics & Communication Engineering 180

Electrical & Electronics Engineering 120

Computer Science & Engineering 240

Civil Engineering 60
Rs 80,400/year

32. Appejay College of Engineering

Maharshi Dayanand University

Village - Silani (Sohna - Palwal Road) Sohna, Gurgaon, Haryana -122103
Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering 60

Information Technology 60

Electronics & Communication Engineering 120

Computer Science & Engineering 120

Rs 1,50,000/year

 33.Jaypee Institute of Information Technology
Deemed university
A-10, Sector-62, Noida, Uttar Pradesh - 201307
Information Technology 90

Electronics & Communication Engineering 210

Computer Science & Engineering 210

Biotechnology 90

Rs 1,62,500/year

 34. United College of Engineering & Research
Gautam Buddh Technical University
50, Knowledge Park-III, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh- 201306
Computer Science & Engineering 120

Electronics & Communication Engineering 60

Electrical & Electronics Engineering 60

Mechanical Engineering 60

Rs 82,000/year

 35.Hindu College of Engineering
Deenbandhu Chhotu Ram University of Science and Technology
Industrial Area, Sonepat, Haryana - 131001
Mechanical Engineering 60

Information Technology 60

Electronics & Communication Engineering 60

Electrical & Electronics Engineering 60

Computer Science & Engineering 60

Civil Engineering 60

Rs 73,335/year

  36.Raj Kumar Goel Institute of Technology
Gautam Buddh Technical University

Opp. Jain Tube Co Ltd. 5th Km, Meerut Road, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh- 201001

Computer Science & Engineering 60

Electronics & Communication Engineering 60

Information Technology 60

Mechanical Engineering 40
Rs 19,000/year

  37.Inderprastha Engineering College
Maha Maya Technical University
63 Site IV Surya Nagar Flyover Road, Sahibabad, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh- 201010
Civil Engineering 60

Mechanical Engineering 90

Information Technology 60

Electrical & Electronics Engineering 60

Electronics & Communication Engineering 180

Computer Science & Engineering 180

Rs 85,000/year

 38.Sunder Deep Group of Institutions
Gautam Buddh Technical University
NH-24, Sunder Deep Nagar, Delhi-Hapur Road, Dasna,
Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh
Electrical & Electronics Engineering 30

Electronics & Communication Engineering 120

Computer Science & Engineering 60

Mechanical Engineering 120

Bio Technology 60

Manufacturing Science and Engineering 60

Rs 77,000/year

 39. CBS Group of Institutions
Maharshi Dayanand University
8km milestone,Jhajjar-kosli Road,Fatehpuri,Jhajjar, Delhi NCR
Mechanical Engineering

Electronics & Communication Engineering

Electrical & Electronics Engineering

Computer Science & Engineering

Civil Engineering
Rs 68,000/year

  40.JRE Group of Institutions

Plot No.: 5, 6, 7 and 8 (adjoining Wipro),
Knowledge Park IV, Greater Noida,,
Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh - 201308

Bio-Medical Engineering

Mechanical Engineering

Information Technology

Electronics & Communication Engineering

Computer Science & Engineering

Rs 1,30,000/year

  41.Trident Group of Institutions
Maha Maya Technical University
NH-58, Delhi Meerut Road, Near Drizzling land,
Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh
Civil Engineering 60

Mechanical Engineering 60

Information Technology 60

Electrical & Electronics Engineering 60

Electronics & Communication Engineering 120

Computer Science & Engineering 60

Rs 79,000/year

hostel Rs 56,000/year

  42. Apeejay Stya University
State Private university
Sohna-Palwal Road,Sohna(South of South Delhi), Delhi NCR - 122103
Electronics & Communication Engineering

Electrical & Electronics Engineering

Computer Science & Engineering

Civil Engineering

Bio Technology

Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering

Rs 80,000/year

 43. Amity Institute of Telecom Technology & Management
Deemed University

Super Express Highway Sector-125,
Noida, Uttar Pradesh - 201301

ELigibilty: 60% in PCM


 44.Accurate Institute of Management & Technology
Maha Maya Technical University
49, Knowledge Park-III, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh - 201308
Civil Engineering

Mechanical Engineering

Information Technology

Electrical & Electronics Engineering

Electronics & Communication Engineering

Computer Science & Engineering

Rs 80,300/year

 45.IMS Engineering College
Gautam Buddh Technical University
NH-24, Delhi-Hapur Bypass Road, Adhyatmik Nagar,
Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh - 201009
Civil Engineering 120

Bio Technology 60

Mechanical Engineering 180

Information Technology 120

Electrical & Electronics Engineering 240

Electronics & Communication Engineering 180

Computer Science & Engineering

Rs 83,000/year

 46.IILM Academy of Higher Learning College of Management Studies

Maha Maya Technical University

18, Knowledge Park II, Gautam Budh Nagar,
Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh - 201306
Environmental Engineering 60

Bio Technology 120

Mechanical Engineering 60

Electrical & Electronics Engineering 60

Electronics & Communication Engineering 120

Computer Science & Engineering 120
Rs 78,400/year

 47.Priyadarshini College of Computer Sciences
Maha Maya Technical University

Knowledge park-1, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh- 201306

Computer Science & Engineering 45

Electronics & Communication Engineering 45
Rs 19,000/year

 48.R D Engineering College
Gautam Buddh Technical University
Delhi-Meerut Road Duhai,
Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh - 201206
Civil Engineering 120

Mechanical Engineering 240

Information Technology 60

Electronics & Communication Engineering 240

Computer Science & Engineering 180
Rs 82,000/year

 49.Acme College of Engineering
Gautam Buddh Technical University
4th, Km Stone Ganga Canal Road, Muradnagar, Ghaziabad,
Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh - 201206

Computer Science & Engineering 60

Electronics & Communication Engineering 60

Electrical & Electronics Engineering 60

Mechanical Engineering 120

Civil Engineering 60

Rs 65,000/year

 50. KCC Institute of Technology and Management

Gautam Buddh Technical University

2B-2C, Knowledge Park-III,
Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh - 201306

 51.Greater Noida Institute of Technology
Maha Maya Technical University
Plot No. 7, Knowledge Park - II
Greater Noida,
Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh - 201306
Mechanical Engineering 240

Information Technology 60

Electronics & Communication Engineering 240

Computer Science & Engineering 240

Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering 60

Civil Engineering 180

Automobile Engineering 60

Rs 77,800/year

 52.Skyline Institute of Engineering & Technology
Gautam Buddh Technical University
Plot no. 3, Knowledge Park-2, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh -201306
Computer Science & Engineering 180

Electronics & Communication Engineering 180

Electrical & Electronics Engineering 120

Mechanical Engineering 240

Civil Engineering 240
Rs 76,000/year

 53. Modinagar Institute of Technology

Maha Maya Technical University

NCR Knowledge Park, Niwari Road,
Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh - 201204

Mechanical Engineering 120

Information Technology 60

Electronics & Communication Engineering 120

Computer Science & Engineering 120

Rs 85,225/year

 54.Gurgaon College of Engineering
Maharshi Dayanand University
Bilaspur-Tauru Road, Village Pathreri, Near Bilaspur-chowk, NH-8,
Gurgaon, Haryana - 122001

Civil Engineering 120

Computer Science & Engineering 120

Electronics & Communication Engineering 120

Information Technology 60

Mechanical Engineering 180
Rs 77,000/year

 55. International College of Engineering
Mahamaya Technical University
New Educational Hub, Didoli, Gang Nahar Road, Muradnagar - Delhi - NCR,
Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh - 201206

Automobile Engineering 60

Civil Engineering 120

Mechanical Engineering 120

Information Technology 60

Electronics & Communication Engineering 120

Computer Science & Engineering 60

Rs 69,000/year

  56.Northern India Engineering College - New Delhi
Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University
FC-26, Shastri Park, Delhi, Delhi NCR 110053
Mechanical Engineering 120

Information Technology 120

Electronics & Communication Engineering 120

Electrical & Electronics Engineering 120

Computer Science & Engineering 120

Civil Engineering 120
Rs 1,05,000/year

 57.Bhagwan Parshuram Institute of Technology (BPIT)
Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University
PSP- 4, Dr. K.N. Katju Marg , Sector 17 Rohini,
Delhi, Delhi NCR - 110089
Computer Science & Engineering 120

Electrical & Electronics Engineering 60

Electronics & Communication Engineering 120

Information Technology 60
Rs 78,000/year

58. Acharya Narendra Dev College
Delhi University

Govindpuri, Kalkaji, Delhi, Delhi NCR 110019

Computer Science & Engineering 30

Electronics & Communication Engineering 30

Rs 77,000/year

59. Delhi Engineering College
Maharshi Dayanand University

LadiyaPur, Ballabgarh-Sohna Road, ( Via Sarmathla), FARIDABAD,
Delhi, Delhi NCR - 121004

Electrical Engineering 60

Civil Engineering 60

Mechanical Engineering 120

Electronics & Communication Engineering 60

Computer Science & Engineering 60

Rs 55,000/year

60. Bhagwati Institute of Technology & Science
Maha Maya Technical University
Opp. Shree Bankey Bihari Dental College, Masuri Canal, N.H.-24,
Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh - 201302
Computer Science & Engineering 90

Electronics & Communication Engineering 120

Electrical & Electronics Engineering 60

Mechanical Engineering 60

Civil Engineering 60
Rs 69,000/ye

 Direct Admission in B.Tech, B.E Colleges

Direct Admission in Engineering Colleges

Direct Admission in Engineering Colleges in Chennai

Now get direct admission in engineering,diploma,BE/Btech in top engineering colleges in Chennai.
We provide direct admission irrespective of entrance score or academic marks either through management quota seats or institute level vacant seats.
The minimum eligibilty criteria required for direct admission in BE/Btech is 45% in Physics,Chemistry & Maths at 10+2.
For Direct Admission in Diploma in Engineering in Chennai we recommend Hindustan Institute of Engineering Technology

For Direct Admission in B.Tech in Chennai , Please find the list of Engineering Colleges in Chennai for direct admission in B.Tech

Madras Institute Of Technology

Bharath Institute of Higher Education & Research

Dr. M G R Deemed University

Indian Institute of Knowledge Management


Rajiv Gandhi College of Engineering

Bharath University, Selaiyur, Tambaram

Crescent Engineering College, BS Abdur Rahman University, VandalurHindustan University

Hindustan Institute of Science & Technology (HITS), Padur, OMR

Indian Institute of Information Technology Design & Manufacturing (IIITDM-K), Kancheepuram

Saveetha School of Engineering - Saveetha University, Thandalam

SRM University - College of Engineering, Kattankulathur Campus

SRM University - College of Engineering, Ramapuram Campus

Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT University), Vandalur-Kelambakkam Road

Vel Tech University (VTU), Avadi

Sathyabama University-Sathyabama Engineering College.

For Direct Admission in B.E. in Anna University Affiliated Engineering colleges in Chennai , Please find the list here

  •     S S N College of Engineering
  •     College Of Engineering, Anna University
  •     SSN College of Engineering
  •     Sathyabama Engineering College
  •     S R M Institute of Science & Technology
  •     Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering
  •     Crescent Engineering College
  •     St. Joseph's College of Engineering
  •     Dhanalakshmi College of Engineering
  •     Panimalar Engineering College
  •     Vel Tech Engineering College
  •     Madras Institute of Technology (MIT)
  •     Velammal Engineering College
  •     Dr.MGR Engineering College
  •     Sathyabama Institute of Science & Technology (SIST)
  •     Meenakshi Sundararajan Engineering College
  •     Arignar Anna Institute of Science & Technology
  •     St. Peter's Engineering College
  •     Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering & Technology
  •     Alagappa College of Technology (AC Tech)
  •     Jeppiaar Educational Trust
  •     Saveetha Institute of Medical & Technical Sciences
  •     Aarupadai Veedu Institute of Technology
  •     Easwari Engineering College
  •     Vel Tech Group of Educational Institutions
  •     Sri Sai Ram Engineering College
  •     P M R Institute of Technology
  •     Bharath Institute of Science and Technology
  •     Sri Krishna Engineering College
  •     Mohamed Sathak A J College of Engineering
  •     Jaya Engineering College
  •     Jerusalem College of Engineering
  •     Karpaga Vinayaga College of Engineering & Technology
  •     D M I College of Engineering
  •     Aalim Muhammed Salegh College of Engineering
  •     Sree Sastha Institute of Engineering & Technology
  •     Alpha College of Engineering
  •     B S Abdur Rahman Crescent Engineering College
  •     Valliammai Engineering College
  •     Measi Academy of Architecture
  •     Misrimal Navajee Munoth Jain Engineering College (MNM Jain)
  •     Sri Venkateswara Institute of Technology
  •     Sapthagiri, Padmavathy, Pee Gee Group of Institutions
  •     Dhaanish Ahmed College of Engineering
  •     Sri Ramanujar Engineering College
  •     Bhajarang Engineering College
  •     S K R Engineering College
  •     Madha Group of Academic Institutions
  •     Sri Muthukumaran Institute of Technology
  •     Sakthi Mariamman Engineering College
  •     K C G College of Technology
  •     Sriram Educational Trust
  •     Thangavelu Engineering College
  •     Vel's Srinivasa College of Engineering & Technology
  •     Tagore Engineering College
  •     S A Engineering College
  •     Prathyusha Engineering College
  •     School of Architecture & Planning
  •     Magna College of Engineering
  •     Srinivasa Institute of Engineering & Technology
  •     Rajiv Gandhi College of Engineering
  •     Shree Motilal Kanhaiyalal Fomra Institute of Technology
  •     Tamil Virtual University
  •     T J Institute of Technology
  •     Rajalakshmi Engineering College
  •     G K M College of Engineering & Technology
  •     Rajarajeswari Engineering College
  •     R M K Engineering College
  •     Gojan Educational Institutions
  Admissions Open for Engineering Colleges 

Direct Admission in Engineering Colleges

Direct Admission in Engineering Colleges in Bangalore

  Now get direct admission in the top engineering colleges in Bangalore. We provide direct admission in BE/Btech through management quota seats and institute level vacant seats.
We are having the lowest package for complete engineering course in the top colleges of Bangalore.
The Eligibility criteria required for direct admission is 45% in Physics, Chemistry & Maths at 10+2.
 Dont worry if you have missed the entrance examination as we provide direct admission irrespective of any entrance score or without entrance. Please find the list of engineering colleges in Bangalore for direct admission in BE/Btech.
List of Engineering Colleges in Bangalore for direct admission in BE/Btech
Brindavan College of Engineering
Tel: 080-2847 8388,8423 Fax: 080-28478766
College type: Private Un-aided

Dwaraka Nagar, Bagalur Main Road, Yelahanka, Bangalore,
Civil Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,

Gopalan College of Engineering and Management
Tel: 080-42229748 Fax: 080-42229748 -Ext 113
College type: Private Un-aided
181/1. 182/1, Hoodi Villagesonnenahalli, K.R.Puramwhite Field, Bangalore,
Civil Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,

Nadgir Institute of Engineering and Technology
Tel: 080-65671103 Fax: 080-65965525
College type: Private Un-aided

73, Madavara, NH - 4, 17th &18th, KM Near, BMI Bridgejindal Nagar, Bangalore,

Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,

Sri Pillappa College of Engineering
Tel: 080-28446727 Fax: 080-28446735
College type: Private Un-aided

79, Kondashettihalli Road(B/W Mspalya & Hesaraghatta) Mavalipura, Hesaraghatta, Bangalore,
 Civil Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering
,Mechanical Engineering

Sri Revana Siddeswara Institute of Technology
Tel: 080-30071352,1 Fax: 080-30071351, 54
College type: Private Un-aided

Chokkana Halli Village, Chikkajala Post, Bangalore North,

Civil Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,

Sri Venkateshwara College of Engineering
Tel: 080-28477460 Fax: 080-28477461
College type: Private Un-aided
Vidyanagar Bangalore - International Airport Road, Bettahalsur(P), Bangalore,

Civil Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,

Aakar School of Architecture
Tel: 080-68888809
College type: Private Un-aided

112/113(Old no 89),Thanisandra Main, RK Hegde Nagar - Bangalore - 560045


Acharya Institute of Technology
Tel: 080-28396011 Fax: 080-23700242
College type: Private Un-aided
Soldevanahalli, Hesarghatta Main Road, Bangalore - Bangalore - 560090
 Aeronautical Engineering,
Automobile Engineering,
Civil Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Construction Technology & Management,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,
Mechatronics Engineering,
Manufacturing Science & Engineering
Mining Engineering

Acharya's N R V School Of Architecture
Tel: 080-28396011 Fax: 080-23700242
College type: Private Un-aided
Dr.Sarvepalli Radhakrishnanroad?soldevanahallihesar, Ghatta Main Road, Banglore - Bangalore - 560090

Acs College of Engineering
Tel: 080-28437955 Fax: 080-28437989
College type: Private Un-aided
207, Kambipura, Mysore Road, Kengeri Hobli, Bangalore - Bangalore - 560074
Aeronautical Engineering,
Bio Medical Engineering,
Civil Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,

Alliance University
Tel: 080-30938100,101, 102,103, 104,105 Fax: 080-27841600
College type: Private Un-aided
Chikkahagade Cross, Chandapur Anekal Main Road, Anekal Bangalore - Bangalore - 562106
Civil Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,
Aero Space Engineering

Alpha College Engineering
Tel: 080-28445218 080-28444454 Fax: 080-28445219
College type: Private Un-aided
No 30/2, Dodda Gubbi Post, 14Th Km, Hennur - Bagalur Road, Kannur Post, Bangalore - Bangalore - 560077
 Civil Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,

AMC Engineering College
Tel: 080-27828655 Fax: 080-27828656
College type: Private Un-aided
18Th K.M., Bannerghatta Road, Kalkere, Bangalore - Bangalore - 560083

Civil Engineering
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,
Telecommunication Engineering

Amrutha Institute of Engineering and Management
Tel: 080-27304659 Fax: 080-27287495
College type: Private Un-aided

Abbanakuppe, Near Kirloskar, Off Mysore Road, Bidadi Indust. Estate, Bangalore - Bangalore - 562109

Civil Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,

APS College of Engineering
Tel: 080-28432108,6Fax: 080-28432837
College type: Private Un-aided
Antha Gnana Gangotri, Kanakapura Road, Somanahalli, Bangalore - Bangalore - 560082

Civil Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,
Telecommunication Engineering

Atria Institute of Technology
Tel: 080-23546084 Fax: 080-23632969
College type: Private Un-aided
1st Main Road, Ag?s Colony, Askb Campus, Ananda Nagar, Bangalore - Bangalore - 560024
 Civil Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,
Telecommunication Engineering

B M S College of Engineering
Tel: 080-26622130 Fax : 080-26614357
College type: Private Aided
Bull Temple Road, Basavanagudi, - Bangalore - 560019

Civil Engineering,
Chemical Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Industrial Engineering Management,
Instrumentation Technology,
Medical Electronics,
Mechanical Engineering,
Telecommunication Engineering,

B M S Institute of Technology and Management
Tel: 080-28561576 Fax: 080-28567186
College type: Private Un-aided
Avalahalli, Doddaballapura Main Road, Yelahanka, Bangalore - Bangalore - 560064
Civil Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,
Telecommunication Engineering

B M S School of Architecture
Tel: 080-64569483 Fax: 080-28567186
College type: Private Un-aided
Bmsit Campus, PB No.6448, Avalahalli, Doddaballapura Main Road, Yalahanka, Bangalore - Bangalore - 560064


B N M Institute of Technology
Tel: 080-26711782 080-26711780 Fax: 080-26710881
College type: Private Un-aided

12Th Main, 27Th Cross, Banashankari 2nd Stage, Bangalore - Bangalore - 560070

Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,
Telecommunication Engineering

B T L Institute of Technology and Management
Tel: 080-27833055 Fax: 080-27833370
College type: Private Un-aided

Bommasandra Ind. Area, Hosur Road, Bangalore - Bangalore - 560099

Civil Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,

Bangalore College of Engineering and Technology
Tel: 080-27834822 Fax: 080-27834877
College type: Private Un-aided
 Near Heelalige Railway Station, Anekal Taluk, Chandapura, Bangalore - Bangalore - 560099
 Civil Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,

Bangalore Institute of Technology
Tel: 080-26615865 Fax: 080-26526796
College type: Private Un-aided

K.R.Road, V V Puram, - Bangalore - 560004

Civil Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Industrial Engineering Management,
Instrumentation Technology,
Mechanical Engineering,
Telecommunication Engineering,

Bangalore Technological Institute
Tel: 080-28439686 Fax: 080-28439687
College type: Private Un-aided

Kodathi, Off Bangalore - Sarjapura Rd, Bangalore - Bangalore - 560035

Civil Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,

Basava Academy of Engineering
Tel: 080-28393613, 28393614, 22714160, 22795912 Fax: 080-26702792
College type: Private Un-aided

161/64, Gangondana Hallimain Road, Nagasandra Post, Near Peenya Dasarahalli, Banglore - Bangalore - 560073

Civil Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,

C M R Institute of Technology
Tel: 080-28524466, 080-25426977 Fax: 080-28524630
College type: Private Un-aided

132, Aecs Layout, Itpl Park Road, Kundalahalli Village,Bangalore - Bangalore - 560037
 Civil Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,
Telecommunication Engineering,

Cambridge Institute of Technology
Tel: 080-25618798, 99 Fax:080-25618789
College type: Private Un-aided

Basavanapura Main Road, K R Puram, Bangalore - Bangalore - 560036

Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,

Canara Engineering College
Tel: 0824-2278666, 0824- 2278667 Fax: 0824-2278675
College type: Minority Linguistic
Bantwal Benjanapadavu, Ammunje Villagejodumarga Postbantawal Tq, Dakshina Kannada - Bantawal - 574219

Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,

Channabasaveshwara Institute of Technology
Tel: 08312-23818, 08312-23144 Fax: 08312-23177
College type: Private Un-aided

Nh - 206, B.H Road Gubbi, Tumkur - Tumkur - 572216
Civil Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,

City Engineering College
Tel: 080-22560313 080-2563570 Fax: 080-22560314
College type: Private Un-aided

Kanakpura Main Road, Near Metro & Gokulam Apts., Doddakalasandra, Bangalore - Bangalore - 560062
Civil Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,

Dayananda Sagar Academy of Technology and Management
Tel: 080-28432999 Fax: 080-28432909
College type: Private Un-aided

Udayapura, Kanakapura Roadoff.To Art Of Living, Kanakapur Main Road, Bangalore - Bangalore - 560082

Civil Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,

Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering
Tel: 080-42161753 Fax: 080-26660789
College type: Private Un-aided

Shavige Malleshwara Hills, Kumarswamy Layout, - Bangalore - 560078

Aeronautical Engineering,
Automobile Engineering,
30,Civil Engineering,
Chemical Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Construction Technology & Management,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Industrial Engineering Management,
Instrumentation Technology,
Medical Electronics,
Mechanical Engineering,
Telecommunication Engineering,

Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering (Evening College)
Tel: 080–26662226 Fax: 080–26660789
College type: Private Un-aided

Shavige Malleshwara Hills,Kumarswamy Layout - Bangalore - 560078

Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering

Donbosco Institute of Technology
Tel: 080-28437028,29 Fax: 080-28437031
College type: Private Un-aided

Kumbalagodu, Mysore Road, Bangalore - Bangalore - 560074

Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,
Telecommunication Engineering

Dr. Ambedkar Institute of Technology
Tel: 080-23211232 Fax: 080-23217789
College type: Private Aided
Outer Ring Road, Mallathahally, Jnanabharathi Campus, - Bangalore - 560056
Civil Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Industrial Engineering Management,
Instrumentation Technology,
Medical Electronics,
Mechanical Engineering,
Telecommunication Engineering

Dr. Ambedkar Institute of Technology
Tel: 080-23211232 Fax:080-23217789
College type: Private Un-aided
Out Ring Roadk, Malathalli, Jnanabharathi Campus, - Bangalore - 560056

Computers Science & Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,

Dr. Sri. Sri. Sri. Shivakumara Mahaswamy College of Engineering
Tel: 080-27739251 Fax: 0802-7739250
College type: Private Un-aided

Byranayakana Halli, Thymagondlu Hobli, Nelamangala, Bangalore - Bangalore - 562132

Civil Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,

East Point College of Engineering and Technology
Tel: 080-28472999 Fax: 080-25073906
College type: Private Un-aided
 Jnana Prabha?bidarahalli, Virgonagar Post, Bangalore - Bangalore - 560049

Civil Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,

East Point College of Engineering for Women
Tel: 080-28472999 Fax: 080-28472903
College type: Private Un-aided
Jnana Prabha Bidarahallivirgonagar Post, Bangalore - Bangalore - 560049

Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,

East West Institute of Technology
Tel: 080-23286732 Fax: 080-233232844
College type: Private Un-aided

Vihwaneedam Post, Near Anjanagar, Off Magadi Road, Bangalore - Bangalore - 560091

Civil Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,

G S S Institute of Technology
Tel: 080-65473941 Fax: 080-28482577
College type: Private Un-aided

37/2, New Byrihalli Road, Kommaghatta, Kengeri Upanagarabangalore - Bangalore - 560060

Civil Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,

Ghousia Engineering College
Tel: 080-27271353 Fax: 080-27273474
College type: Minority Religious

B M Road, - Ramanagara - 562159

Civil Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,

Global Academy of Technology
Tel: 080-28603158 Fax: 080-28603157
College type: Private Un-aided

Ideal Homes Township, Rajarajeshwari Nagar, Bangalore - Bangalore - 560098
Civil Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,

Government Tool Room And Training Centre
Tel: 080-23152118 Fax: 080-23301683
College type: Private Un-aided

Rajajinagar Industrial Estate, Bangalore - Bangalore - 560010

Precision Manufacturing,
Tool Engineering

H.K.B.K.College of Engineering
Tel: 080-25441722 Fax: 080-2544 3813
College type: Minority Religious

Nagawara, Arabic, Bangalore - Bangalore - 560045

Civil Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,

Impact College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
Tel: 080-2334101, 22720805, 23332134 Fax: 080-23332134
College type: Private Un-aided

Sahakaranagar Post, Kodigehalli, Bangalore - Bangalore - 560092
Civil Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,

Impact School of Architecture
Tel: 080-22720805/23626525(F)
College type: Private Un-aided

Kodigehalli,Sahakara Nagar Post - Bangalore - 560092


 Islamia Institute of Technology
Tel: 080-26481774 Fax: 080-26483271
College type: Private Un-aided
National Park Road, - Bangalore - 560076
Civil Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
22,Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,

J S S Academy of Technical Education
Tel: 080-28612565, 28603425 Fax: 080-28603706
College type: Private Un-aided
Uttarahalli, Kengeri Road, Mylasandra, Kengeri Hobli, Bangalore - Bangalore - 560060

Civil Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Industrial Engineering Management,
Instrumentation Technology,
Mechanical Engineering,

Jnanavikasa Institute of Technology
Tel: 080-27282994 Fax: 080-27282998
College type: Private Un-aided

Vidyasoudha, Padmashree G.D.Goyalji Campus, Off Bangalore - Mysore Highway Bidadi, Ramnagar Tq. - Bangalore - Rural - 562109

Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication

R.R.Institute of Technology
Tel: 080-28391554,3 Fax: 080-28396210
College type: Private Un-aided

No 67, Rajareddy Layout, Hasaraghatta Road, Chikkabanavara, Bangalore - Bangalore - 560090

Civil Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,

Rajarajeswari College of Engineering
Tel: 080-28437124 Fax: 080-2843 7373,75
College type: Private Un-aided

No.14, Ramo Halli Cross, Mysore Road, Kumbalagodu, Bangalore - Bangalore - 560074

Civil Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,

Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology
Tel: 080-23339377, 080- 23631145 Fax: 080-23541535
College type: Private Un-aided
Rgc Campus, Cholanagar, Hebbal, R.T Nagar Post, Bangalore - Bangalore - 560032

Bio Medical Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,

Reva Institute of Engineering and Technology
Tel: 080-65687563 ,64,65 Fax: 28478539
College type: Private Un-aided
Kattigenahalli, Baglur Cross, Jala Hobli, Yelahanka, Bangalore - Bangalore - 560064
Civil Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,

Rns Institute of Technology
Tel: 080-28611880,881 Fax: 080-28611882
College type: Private Un-aided
Subramanyapura, Channasandra, Bangalore - Bangalore - 560098

Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Instrumentation Technology,
Mechanical Engineering,

S E A College of Engineering and Technology
Tel: 080-65791487, 25613418, 25619842 Fax: 080 2561 3418
College type: Private Un-aided

Ayyappa Nagar Circle, Devasandra Main Road, K R Puram, Bangalore - Bangalore - 560049

Civil Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,

S J B Institute of Technology
Tel: 080-28612445, 6 Fax: 080-28612651
College type: Private Un-aided
7, Bgs Health & Education City, Uttarahalli Road, Kengeri, Bangalore - South - Bangalore - 560060

Civil Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,

S K S J T Institute of Engineering
Tel: 080-22260126 Fax: 080-22260126
College type: Government
K.R. Circle, Palace Road, - Bangalore - 560001

Civil Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Silk Technology,
Textile Technology

S K S J T Institute of Engineering
Tel: 080-22260126 Fax: 080-22260126
College type: Government

K.R. Circle, Palace Road, - Bangalore - 560001

Civil Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Silk Technology,
Textile Technology

Sai Vidya Institute of Technology
Tel: 080-28468191, 96 Fax: 080-28468193
College type: Private Un-aided

Doddaballapura Main Road(Via Yelahanka), Rajanukunte, Bangalore - Bangalore - 560064

Civil Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,

Sambhram Institute of Technology
Tel: 080-23640612 080-23643618 Fax: 080-23648444
College type: Private Un-aided

M.S. Palya, Via Jalahalli East, Bangalore - Bangalore - 560097

Civil Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,

Sambhram Institute of Technology (Evening College)
Tel: 080-23640612/2641701(F)
College type: Private Un-aided

Ambabhavani Temple Road, Near MS Palya, Jalahalli East - Bangalore - 560097

Civil Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Computers Science & Engineering
Electronics & Communication Engineering

Sampoorna Institute of Technology and Research
Tel: 080-27262626 Fax: 080-27262626
College type: Private Un-aided
Belakere, Channapatana (T), Ramanagara (D) - Ramanagar - 571511
Civil Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,

Saptagiri College of Engineering
Tel: 080-28372801 080-28372800 Fax: 080-28372797
College type: Private Un-aided

No.14/5, Chikkasandra, Hesaragatta Main Road, Bangalore - Bangalore - 560057

Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,

SCT Institute of Technology
Tel: 080-25245225, 0694 Fax: 080-25245200
College type: Private Un-aided
Kaggadasapura Main Road Vignana Nagar, New Tippasandra, Bangalore - Bangalore - 560075
 Aeronautical Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,

Sharada School of Architecture
Tel: 080-22957351/22957354(F)
College type: Private Un-aided

#14,Sharada Hills, Hesaraghatta Road, Chikkabettahalli, Vidyaranyapura Post - Bangalore - 560097


Shirdi Sai Engineering College
Tel: 080-27840631 Fax: 080-27830355
College type: Private Un-aided

Sai Leo Nagara, Guddenahalli, Samandur Post, Anekal Taluk, Anekal, Bangalore Urban Dist. - Bangalore - 562106
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,

Sir M.Visveswaraya Institute of Technology
Tel: 080-28467248 Fax: 080-28467081
College type: Private Un-aided

Krishnadevaraya Nagar, International Air Port Road, Hunasemaranahalli, - Bangalore - 562157

Civil Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Industrial Engineering Management,
Mechanical Engineering,
Telecommunication Engineering,

Sri Belimata Mahasamsthana Institute of Technology
Tel: 080-27724344 Fax: 080-27723181
College type: Private Un-aided

Nh - 4, Bye - Pass Road, Indira Nagar Extn., Nelamangala, Bang Rural Dist - Bangalore - 562123
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Medical Electronics,

Sri Krishna Institute of Technology
Tel: 080-23721315 Fax: 080-23721477
College type: Private Un-aided
Hesarghatta Main Road, Chimney Hills, Chikkabanavara - P Bangalore - Bangalore - 560090

Civil Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Medical Electronics,
Mechanical Engineering,

Sri. Krishna School Of Engineering & Management
Tel: 080-28439002 Fax: 080-28440944
College type: Private Un-aided
63, Mullur Villagesarjapur Roadmullur, Bangalore - Bangalore - 560035
Civil Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,

T.John Engineering College
Tel: 080-28429126 Fax: 080-28429126
College type: Private Un-aided

86/1, Gottigere Post, Banneraghatta Road, Bangalore - Bangalore - 560083
Civil Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,
Telecommunication Engineering,

The Oxford College of Engineering
Tel: 080-30219601 Fax: 080-30266349, 25730551
College type: Minority Linguistic

Bommanahalli, Hosur Road, Bangalore - Bangalore - 560068

Automobile Engineering,
Civil Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Construction Technology & Management,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,
Mechatronics Engineering,

University Visveswariah College of Engineering
Tel: 080-22961802 Fax: 080-22210694
College type: Government

K R Circle, Dr. Ambedkar Veedhi, - Bangalore - 560001

Civil Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,

Vemana Institute of Technology
Tel: 080-25529874 Fax: 080-25534943
College type: Private Un-aided

1, Mahayogi Vemana Road, III Block Koramangala, Bangalore - Bangalore - 560034

Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,
Telecommunication Engineering

Vijaya Vittala Institute of Technology
Tel: 080-28465969 Fax: 080-28445045
College type: Private Un-aided
35/1, Dodda Gubbi Post, Hennur Bagalur Road, Bangalore - Bangalore - 560077

Civil Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,

Vivekananada Institute of Technology
Tel: 080-28437036 Fax : 080-28437944
College type: Private Un-aided

Gudimavu, Kengeri, Hobli Kumbalagodu Post, Bangalore - Bangalore - 560074
 Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Telecommunication Engineering

Yellamma Dasappa Institute of Technology
Tel: 080-28435829, 080- 28425988 Fax: 080-28435829
College type: Private Un-aided

Raghuvanhalli, 14Th Km, Kanakapura Main Road, Bangalore - Bangalore - 560062

Civil Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,

Jyothi Institute of Technology
Tel: 080-28435052
College type: Private Un-aided

Off Kanakapura Road, Tataguni, Bangalore - Bangalore - 560062

Civil Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,

K N S Institute of Technology
Tel: 080-28567358, 080-28567955 Fax: 080-28567359
College type: Private Un-aided

Hegde Nagar, Kogilu Road Tirumenahalli, Yelahanka Hobli, Bangalore - Bangalore - 560064

Civil Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,

K S Institute of Technology
Tel: 080-28435724,22 Fax: 080-28435723
College type: Private Un-aided
Raghuvanahalli, Kanakapura Mn. Road, Bangalore - Bangalore - 560062

Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,
Telecommunication Engineering

K.S. School of Engineering and Management
Tel: 080-28425012, 13 Fax: 080-28425164
College type: Private Un-aided

No.15/1, Kanakapur Road, Mallasandra, Bangalore - Bangalore - 560062

Civil Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,

M S Engineering College
Tel: 080-32529575 Fax: 080-28567453
College type: Private Un-aided
 Navarathna Agrahara, Sadahalli Post, Bangalore - Urban - Bangalore - 562110
 Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,

M S Ramaiah Institute of Technology
Tel: 080-23606934 Fax: 080-23603124
College type: Private Un-aided

M.S.R.I.T Post, M.S.R Nagar, - Bangalore - 560054

Civil Engineering,
Chemical Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Industrial Engineering Management,
Instrumentation Technology,
Medical Electronics,
Mechanical Engineering,
Telecommunication Engineering,

M V J College of Engineering
Tel: 080-28452324 Fax: 080-28452443
College type: Minority Linguistic

Near Itpb, Channasandra, Kadugodi (P), - Bangalore - 560067

Aeronautical Engineering,
Civil Engineering,
Chemical Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Industrial Engineering Management,
Medical Electronics,
Mechanical Engineering,
Telecommunication Engineering

M V J College of Engineering (Evening College)
Tel: 080-28454505
College type: Minority Linguistic

Near White Field, Channasandra,Kadugodi (P) - Bangalore - 560067
 Computers Science & Engineering

Nagarjuna College of Engineering and Technology
Tel: 080-27645992 Fax: 080-27645990
College type: Private Un-aided

Venkatagiri Kote Post Devanahalli Tq. - Bangalore - Rural - 562110

Civil Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,

Nagarjuna College of Engineering and Technology (Evening College)
Tel: 080-27645993/27645990(F)
College type: Private Un-aided

Mudugurki Village, Venkatagiri,Devanahalli Tq., - Bangalore - Rural - 562110
Civil Engineering
Mechanical Engineering

Nandi Institute of Technology and Management Sciences
Tel: 080-28433403 , 404,406 Fax: 080-28433405
College type: Private Un-aided

92, Vaderahalli, Harohalli, Bangalore - Bangalore - 562112

Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,

New Horizon College of Engineering
Tel: 080-66297777 Fax: 080-28440770
College type: Minority Linguistic

Outer Ring Rd, Bellandur Post, Near Marathalli, Bangalore - Bangalore - 560103
Automobile Engineering,
Civil Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,

New Horizon College of Engineering (Evening College)
Tel: 080-66297777 Fax: 28440770
College type: Minority Linguistic

Outer Ring Rd, Bellandur post, near Marathalli, - Bangalore - 560103
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering

Nitte Meenakshi Institute of Technology
Tel: 080-22167800 ,803 080-22167805 Fax:080-22167901
College type: Private Un-aided

Govindapura Gollahalli, Yelahanka, Bangalore - Bangalore - 560064
 Aeronautical Engineering,
Civil Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,

P E S Institute of Technology
Tel: 080-26721983 Fax: 080-26720886
College type: Private Un-aided
100 Ft Ring Road, B.S.K II Stage, Hosakerehalli, - Bangalore - 560085

Civil Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,
Telecommunication Engineering,

P N S Institute of Technology
Tel: 080-27701099 Fax: 080-23472122
College type: Private Un-aided
94/1, Danoji Palya, Arashinakunte, Nelamangala, Bangalore - Bangalore - 562123
Civil Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,

Pes Institute of Technology
Tel: 080-66186609 Fax: 080-28521630
College type: Private Un-aided
(South Campus) Hosur Road, 1Km Before Electronic City, Bangalore - Bangalore - 560100

Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,

R. V. College of Engineering
Tel: 080-67178020 Fax: 080-28600337
College type: Private Un-aided

RV Vidyaneketan Post, Mysore Road, - Bangalore - 560059

Civil Engineering,
Chemical Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Industrial Engineering Management,
Instrumentation Technology,
Mechanical Engineering,
Telecommunication Engineering,

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List of Engineering Colleges in Bangalore for direct admission in BE/Btech
Brindavan College of Engineering
Tel: 080-2847 8388,8423 Fax: 080-28478766
College type: Private Un-aided

Dwaraka Nagar, Bagalur Main Road, Yelahanka, Bangalore,
Civil Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,

Gopalan College of Engineering and Management
Tel: 080-42229748 Fax: 080-42229748 -Ext 113
College type: Private Un-aided
181/1. 182/1, Hoodi Villagesonnenahalli, K.R.Puramwhite Field, Bangalore,
Civil Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,

Nadgir Institute of Engineering and Technology
Tel: 080-65671103 Fax: 080-65965525
College type: Private Un-aided

73, Madavara, NH - 4, 17th &18th, KM Near, BMI Bridgejindal Nagar, Bangalore,

Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,

Sri Pillappa College of Engineering
Tel: 080-28446727 Fax: 080-28446735
College type: Private Un-aided

79, Kondashettihalli Road(B/W Mspalya & Hesaraghatta) Mavalipura, Hesaraghatta, Bangalore,
 Civil Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering
,Mechanical Engineering

Sri Revana Siddeswara Institute of Technology
Tel: 080-30071352,1 Fax: 080-30071351, 54
College type: Private Un-aided

Chokkana Halli Village, Chikkajala Post, Bangalore North,

Civil Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,

Sri Venkateshwara College of Engineering
Tel: 080-28477460 Fax: 080-28477461
College type: Private Un-aided
Vidyanagar Bangalore - International Airport Road, Bettahalsur(P), Bangalore,

Civil Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,

Aakar School of Architecture
Tel: 080-68888809
College type: Private Un-aided

112/113(Old no 89),Thanisandra Main, RK Hegde Nagar - Bangalore - 560045


Acharya Institute of Technology
Tel: 080-28396011 Fax: 080-23700242
College type: Private Un-aided
Soldevanahalli, Hesarghatta Main Road, Bangalore - Bangalore - 560090
 Aeronautical Engineering,
Automobile Engineering,
Civil Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Construction Technology & Management,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,
Mechatronics Engineering,
Manufacturing Science & Engineering
Mining Engineering

Acharya's N R V School Of Architecture
Tel: 080-28396011 Fax: 080-23700242
College type: Private Un-aided
Dr.Sarvepalli Radhakrishnanroad?soldevanahallihesar, Ghatta Main Road, Banglore - Bangalore - 560090

Acs College of Engineering
Tel: 080-28437955 Fax: 080-28437989
College type: Private Un-aided
207, Kambipura, Mysore Road, Kengeri Hobli, Bangalore - Bangalore - 560074
Aeronautical Engineering,
Bio Medical Engineering,
Civil Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,

Alliance University
Tel: 080-30938100,101, 102,103, 104,105 Fax: 080-27841600
College type: Private Un-aided
Chikkahagade Cross, Chandapur Anekal Main Road, Anekal Bangalore - Bangalore - 562106
Civil Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,
Aero Space Engineering

Alpha College Engineering
Tel: 080-28445218 080-28444454 Fax: 080-28445219
College type: Private Un-aided
No 30/2, Dodda Gubbi Post, 14Th Km, Hennur - Bagalur Road, Kannur Post, Bangalore - Bangalore - 560077
 Civil Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,

AMC Engineering College
Tel: 080-27828655 Fax: 080-27828656
College type: Private Un-aided
18Th K.M., Bannerghatta Road, Kalkere, Bangalore - Bangalore - 560083

Civil Engineering
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,
Telecommunication Engineering

Amrutha Institute of Engineering and Management
Tel: 080-27304659 Fax: 080-27287495
College type: Private Un-aided

Abbanakuppe, Near Kirloskar, Off Mysore Road, Bidadi Indust. Estate, Bangalore - Bangalore - 562109

Civil Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,

APS College of Engineering
Tel: 080-28432108,6Fax: 080-28432837
College type: Private Un-aided
Antha Gnana Gangotri, Kanakapura Road, Somanahalli, Bangalore - Bangalore - 560082

Civil Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,
Telecommunication Engineering

Atria Institute of Technology
Tel: 080-23546084 Fax: 080-23632969
College type: Private Un-aided
1st Main Road, Ag?s Colony, Askb Campus, Ananda Nagar, Bangalore - Bangalore - 560024
 Civil Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,
Telecommunication Engineering

B M S College of Engineering
Tel: 080-26622130 Fax : 080-26614357
College type: Private Aided
Bull Temple Road, Basavanagudi, - Bangalore - 560019

Civil Engineering,
Chemical Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Industrial Engineering Management,
Instrumentation Technology,
Medical Electronics,
Mechanical Engineering,
Telecommunication Engineering,

B M S Institute of Technology and Management
Tel: 080-28561576 Fax: 080-28567186
College type: Private Un-aided
Avalahalli, Doddaballapura Main Road, Yelahanka, Bangalore - Bangalore - 560064
Civil Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,
Telecommunication Engineering

B M S School of Architecture
Tel: 080-64569483 Fax: 080-28567186
College type: Private Un-aided
Bmsit Campus, PB No.6448, Avalahalli, Doddaballapura Main Road, Yalahanka, Bangalore - Bangalore - 560064


B N M Institute of Technology
Tel: 080-26711782 080-26711780 Fax: 080-26710881
College type: Private Un-aided

12Th Main, 27Th Cross, Banashankari 2nd Stage, Bangalore - Bangalore - 560070

Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,
Telecommunication Engineering

B T L Institute of Technology and Management
Tel: 080-27833055 Fax: 080-27833370
College type: Private Un-aided

Bommasandra Ind. Area, Hosur Road, Bangalore - Bangalore - 560099

Civil Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,

Bangalore College of Engineering and Technology
Tel: 080-27834822 Fax: 080-27834877
College type: Private Un-aided
 Near Heelalige Railway Station, Anekal Taluk, Chandapura, Bangalore - Bangalore - 560099
 Civil Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,

Bangalore Institute of Technology
Tel: 080-26615865 Fax: 080-26526796
College type: Private Un-aided

K.R.Road, V V Puram, - Bangalore - 560004

Civil Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Industrial Engineering Management,
Instrumentation Technology,
Mechanical Engineering,
Telecommunication Engineering,

Bangalore Technological Institute
Tel: 080-28439686 Fax: 080-28439687
College type: Private Un-aided

Kodathi, Off Bangalore - Sarjapura Rd, Bangalore - Bangalore - 560035

Civil Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,

Basava Academy of Engineering
Tel: 080-28393613, 28393614, 22714160, 22795912 Fax: 080-26702792
College type: Private Un-aided

161/64, Gangondana Hallimain Road, Nagasandra Post, Near Peenya Dasarahalli, Banglore - Bangalore - 560073

Civil Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,

C M R Institute of Technology
Tel: 080-28524466, 080-25426977 Fax: 080-28524630
College type: Private Un-aided

132, Aecs Layout, Itpl Park Road, Kundalahalli Village,Bangalore - Bangalore - 560037
 Civil Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,
Telecommunication Engineering,

Cambridge Institute of Technology
Tel: 080-25618798, 99 Fax:080-25618789
College type: Private Un-aided

Basavanapura Main Road, K R Puram, Bangalore - Bangalore - 560036

Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,

Canara Engineering College
Tel: 0824-2278666, 0824- 2278667 Fax: 0824-2278675
College type: Minority Linguistic
Bantwal Benjanapadavu, Ammunje Villagejodumarga Postbantawal Tq, Dakshina Kannada - Bantawal - 574219

Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,

Channabasaveshwara Institute of Technology
Tel: 08312-23818, 08312-23144 Fax: 08312-23177
College type: Private Un-aided

Nh - 206, B.H Road Gubbi, Tumkur - Tumkur - 572216
Civil Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,

City Engineering College
Tel: 080-22560313 080-2563570 Fax: 080-22560314
College type: Private Un-aided

Kanakpura Main Road, Near Metro & Gokulam Apts., Doddakalasandra, Bangalore - Bangalore - 560062
Civil Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,

Dayananda Sagar Academy of Technology and Management
Tel: 080-28432999 Fax: 080-28432909
College type: Private Un-aided

Udayapura, Kanakapura Roadoff.To Art Of Living, Kanakapur Main Road, Bangalore - Bangalore - 560082

Civil Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,

Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering
Tel: 080-42161753 Fax: 080-26660789
College type: Private Un-aided

Shavige Malleshwara Hills, Kumarswamy Layout, - Bangalore - 560078

Aeronautical Engineering,
Automobile Engineering,
30,Civil Engineering,
Chemical Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Construction Technology & Management,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Industrial Engineering Management,
Instrumentation Technology,
Medical Electronics,
Mechanical Engineering,
Telecommunication Engineering,

Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering (Evening College)
Tel: 080–26662226 Fax: 080–26660789
College type: Private Un-aided

Shavige Malleshwara Hills,Kumarswamy Layout - Bangalore - 560078

Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering

Donbosco Institute of Technology
Tel: 080-28437028,29 Fax: 080-28437031
College type: Private Un-aided

Kumbalagodu, Mysore Road, Bangalore - Bangalore - 560074

Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,
Telecommunication Engineering

Dr. Ambedkar Institute of Technology
Tel: 080-23211232 Fax: 080-23217789
College type: Private Aided
Outer Ring Road, Mallathahally, Jnanabharathi Campus, - Bangalore - 560056
Civil Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Industrial Engineering Management,
Instrumentation Technology,
Medical Electronics,
Mechanical Engineering,
Telecommunication Engineering

Dr. Ambedkar Institute of Technology
Tel: 080-23211232 Fax:080-23217789
College type: Private Un-aided
Out Ring Roadk, Malathalli, Jnanabharathi Campus, - Bangalore - 560056

Computers Science & Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,

Dr. Sri. Sri. Sri. Shivakumara Mahaswamy College of Engineering
Tel: 080-27739251 Fax: 0802-7739250
College type: Private Un-aided

Byranayakana Halli, Thymagondlu Hobli, Nelamangala, Bangalore - Bangalore - 562132

Civil Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,

East Point College of Engineering and Technology
Tel: 080-28472999 Fax: 080-25073906
College type: Private Un-aided
 Jnana Prabha?bidarahalli, Virgonagar Post, Bangalore - Bangalore - 560049

Civil Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,

East Point College of Engineering for Women
Tel: 080-28472999 Fax: 080-28472903
College type: Private Un-aided
Jnana Prabha Bidarahallivirgonagar Post, Bangalore - Bangalore - 560049

Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,

East West Institute of Technology
Tel: 080-23286732 Fax: 080-233232844
College type: Private Un-aided

Vihwaneedam Post, Near Anjanagar, Off Magadi Road, Bangalore - Bangalore - 560091

Civil Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,

G S S Institute of Technology
Tel: 080-65473941 Fax: 080-28482577
College type: Private Un-aided

37/2, New Byrihalli Road, Kommaghatta, Kengeri Upanagarabangalore - Bangalore - 560060

Civil Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,

Ghousia Engineering College
Tel: 080-27271353 Fax: 080-27273474
College type: Minority Religious

B M Road, - Ramanagara - 562159

Civil Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,

Global Academy of Technology
Tel: 080-28603158 Fax: 080-28603157
College type: Private Un-aided

Ideal Homes Township, Rajarajeshwari Nagar, Bangalore - Bangalore - 560098
Civil Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,

Government Tool Room And Training Centre
Tel: 080-23152118 Fax: 080-23301683
College type: Private Un-aided

Rajajinagar Industrial Estate, Bangalore - Bangalore - 560010

Precision Manufacturing,
Tool Engineering

H.K.B.K.College of Engineering
Tel: 080-25441722 Fax: 080-2544 3813
College type: Minority Religious

Nagawara, Arabic, Bangalore - Bangalore - 560045

Civil Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,

Impact College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
Tel: 080-2334101, 22720805, 23332134 Fax: 080-23332134
College type: Private Un-aided

Sahakaranagar Post, Kodigehalli, Bangalore - Bangalore - 560092
Civil Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,

Impact School of Architecture
Tel: 080-22720805/23626525(F)
College type: Private Un-aided

Kodigehalli,Sahakara Nagar Post - Bangalore - 560092


 Islamia Institute of Technology
Tel: 080-26481774 Fax: 080-26483271
College type: Private Un-aided
National Park Road, - Bangalore - 560076
Civil Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
22,Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,

J S S Academy of Technical Education
Tel: 080-28612565, 28603425 Fax: 080-28603706
College type: Private Un-aided
Uttarahalli, Kengeri Road, Mylasandra, Kengeri Hobli, Bangalore - Bangalore - 560060

Civil Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Industrial Engineering Management,
Instrumentation Technology,
Mechanical Engineering,

Jnanavikasa Institute of Technology
Tel: 080-27282994 Fax: 080-27282998
College type: Private Un-aided

Vidyasoudha, Padmashree G.D.Goyalji Campus, Off Bangalore - Mysore Highway Bidadi, Ramnagar Tq. - Bangalore - Rural - 562109

Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication

R.R.Institute of Technology
Tel: 080-28391554,3 Fax: 080-28396210
College type: Private Un-aided

No 67, Rajareddy Layout, Hasaraghatta Road, Chikkabanavara, Bangalore - Bangalore - 560090

Civil Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,

Rajarajeswari College of Engineering
Tel: 080-28437124 Fax: 080-2843 7373,75
College type: Private Un-aided

No.14, Ramo Halli Cross, Mysore Road, Kumbalagodu, Bangalore - Bangalore - 560074

Civil Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,

Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology
Tel: 080-23339377, 080- 23631145 Fax: 080-23541535
College type: Private Un-aided
Rgc Campus, Cholanagar, Hebbal, R.T Nagar Post, Bangalore - Bangalore - 560032

Bio Medical Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,

Reva Institute of Engineering and Technology
Tel: 080-65687563 ,64,65 Fax: 28478539
College type: Private Un-aided
Kattigenahalli, Baglur Cross, Jala Hobli, Yelahanka, Bangalore - Bangalore - 560064
Civil Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,

Rns Institute of Technology
Tel: 080-28611880,881 Fax: 080-28611882
College type: Private Un-aided
Subramanyapura, Channasandra, Bangalore - Bangalore - 560098

Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Instrumentation Technology,
Mechanical Engineering,

S E A College of Engineering and Technology
Tel: 080-65791487, 25613418, 25619842 Fax: 080 2561 3418
College type: Private Un-aided

Ayyappa Nagar Circle, Devasandra Main Road, K R Puram, Bangalore - Bangalore - 560049

Civil Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,

S J B Institute of Technology
Tel: 080-28612445, 6 Fax: 080-28612651
College type: Private Un-aided
7, Bgs Health & Education City, Uttarahalli Road, Kengeri, Bangalore - South - Bangalore - 560060

Civil Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,

S K S J T Institute of Engineering
Tel: 080-22260126 Fax: 080-22260126
College type: Government
K.R. Circle, Palace Road, - Bangalore - 560001

Civil Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Silk Technology,
Textile Technology

S K S J T Institute of Engineering
Tel: 080-22260126 Fax: 080-22260126
College type: Government

K.R. Circle, Palace Road, - Bangalore - 560001

Civil Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Silk Technology,
Textile Technology

Sai Vidya Institute of Technology
Tel: 080-28468191, 96 Fax: 080-28468193
College type: Private Un-aided

Doddaballapura Main Road(Via Yelahanka), Rajanukunte, Bangalore - Bangalore - 560064

Civil Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,

Sambhram Institute of Technology
Tel: 080-23640612 080-23643618 Fax: 080-23648444
College type: Private Un-aided

M.S. Palya, Via Jalahalli East, Bangalore - Bangalore - 560097

Civil Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,

Sambhram Institute of Technology (Evening College)
Tel: 080-23640612/2641701(F)
College type: Private Un-aided

Ambabhavani Temple Road, Near MS Palya, Jalahalli East - Bangalore - 560097

Civil Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Computers Science & Engineering
Electronics & Communication Engineering

Sampoorna Institute of Technology and Research
Tel: 080-27262626 Fax: 080-27262626
College type: Private Un-aided
Belakere, Channapatana (T), Ramanagara (D) - Ramanagar - 571511
Civil Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,

Saptagiri College of Engineering
Tel: 080-28372801 080-28372800 Fax: 080-28372797
College type: Private Un-aided

No.14/5, Chikkasandra, Hesaragatta Main Road, Bangalore - Bangalore - 560057

Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,

SCT Institute of Technology
Tel: 080-25245225, 0694 Fax: 080-25245200
College type: Private Un-aided
Kaggadasapura Main Road Vignana Nagar, New Tippasandra, Bangalore - Bangalore - 560075
 Aeronautical Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,

Sharada School of Architecture
Tel: 080-22957351/22957354(F)
College type: Private Un-aided

#14,Sharada Hills, Hesaraghatta Road, Chikkabettahalli, Vidyaranyapura Post - Bangalore - 560097


Shirdi Sai Engineering College
Tel: 080-27840631 Fax: 080-27830355
College type: Private Un-aided

Sai Leo Nagara, Guddenahalli, Samandur Post, Anekal Taluk, Anekal, Bangalore Urban Dist. - Bangalore - 562106
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,

Sir M.Visveswaraya Institute of Technology
Tel: 080-28467248 Fax: 080-28467081
College type: Private Un-aided

Krishnadevaraya Nagar, International Air Port Road, Hunasemaranahalli, - Bangalore - 562157

Civil Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Industrial Engineering Management,
Mechanical Engineering,
Telecommunication Engineering,

Sri Belimata Mahasamsthana Institute of Technology
Tel: 080-27724344 Fax: 080-27723181
College type: Private Un-aided

Nh - 4, Bye - Pass Road, Indira Nagar Extn., Nelamangala, Bang Rural Dist - Bangalore - 562123
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Medical Electronics,

Sri Krishna Institute of Technology
Tel: 080-23721315 Fax: 080-23721477
College type: Private Un-aided
Hesarghatta Main Road, Chimney Hills, Chikkabanavara - P Bangalore - Bangalore - 560090

Civil Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Medical Electronics,
Mechanical Engineering,

Sri. Krishna School Of Engineering & Management
Tel: 080-28439002 Fax: 080-28440944
College type: Private Un-aided
63, Mullur Villagesarjapur Roadmullur, Bangalore - Bangalore - 560035
Civil Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,

T.John Engineering College
Tel: 080-28429126 Fax: 080-28429126
College type: Private Un-aided

86/1, Gottigere Post, Banneraghatta Road, Bangalore - Bangalore - 560083
Civil Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,
Telecommunication Engineering,

The Oxford College of Engineering
Tel: 080-30219601 Fax: 080-30266349, 25730551
College type: Minority Linguistic

Bommanahalli, Hosur Road, Bangalore - Bangalore - 560068

Automobile Engineering,
Civil Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Construction Technology & Management,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,
Mechatronics Engineering,

University Visveswariah College of Engineering
Tel: 080-22961802 Fax: 080-22210694
College type: Government

K R Circle, Dr. Ambedkar Veedhi, - Bangalore - 560001

Civil Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,

Vemana Institute of Technology
Tel: 080-25529874 Fax: 080-25534943
College type: Private Un-aided

1, Mahayogi Vemana Road, III Block Koramangala, Bangalore - Bangalore - 560034

Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,
Telecommunication Engineering

Vijaya Vittala Institute of Technology
Tel: 080-28465969 Fax: 080-28445045
College type: Private Un-aided
35/1, Dodda Gubbi Post, Hennur Bagalur Road, Bangalore - Bangalore - 560077

Civil Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,

Vivekananada Institute of Technology
Tel: 080-28437036 Fax : 080-28437944
College type: Private Un-aided

Gudimavu, Kengeri, Hobli Kumbalagodu Post, Bangalore - Bangalore - 560074
 Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Telecommunication Engineering

Yellamma Dasappa Institute of Technology
Tel: 080-28435829, 080- 28425988 Fax: 080-28435829
College type: Private Un-aided

Raghuvanhalli, 14Th Km, Kanakapura Main Road, Bangalore - Bangalore - 560062

Civil Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,

Jyothi Institute of Technology
Tel: 080-28435052
College type: Private Un-aided

Off Kanakapura Road, Tataguni, Bangalore - Bangalore - 560062

Civil Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,

K N S Institute of Technology
Tel: 080-28567358, 080-28567955 Fax: 080-28567359
College type: Private Un-aided

Hegde Nagar, Kogilu Road Tirumenahalli, Yelahanka Hobli, Bangalore - Bangalore - 560064

Civil Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,

K S Institute of Technology
Tel: 080-28435724,22 Fax: 080-28435723
College type: Private Un-aided
Raghuvanahalli, Kanakapura Mn. Road, Bangalore - Bangalore - 560062

Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,
Telecommunication Engineering

K.S. School of Engineering and Management
Tel: 080-28425012, 13 Fax: 080-28425164
College type: Private Un-aided

No.15/1, Kanakapur Road, Mallasandra, Bangalore - Bangalore - 560062

Civil Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,

M S Engineering College
Tel: 080-32529575 Fax: 080-28567453
College type: Private Un-aided
 Navarathna Agrahara, Sadahalli Post, Bangalore - Urban - Bangalore - 562110
 Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,

M S Ramaiah Institute of Technology
Tel: 080-23606934 Fax: 080-23603124
College type: Private Un-aided

M.S.R.I.T Post, M.S.R Nagar, - Bangalore - 560054

Civil Engineering,
Chemical Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Industrial Engineering Management,
Instrumentation Technology,
Medical Electronics,
Mechanical Engineering,
Telecommunication Engineering,

M V J College of Engineering
Tel: 080-28452324 Fax: 080-28452443
College type: Minority Linguistic

Near Itpb, Channasandra, Kadugodi (P), - Bangalore - 560067

Aeronautical Engineering,
Civil Engineering,
Chemical Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Industrial Engineering Management,
Medical Electronics,
Mechanical Engineering,
Telecommunication Engineering

M V J College of Engineering (Evening College)
Tel: 080-28454505
College type: Minority Linguistic

Near White Field, Channasandra,Kadugodi (P) - Bangalore - 560067
 Computers Science & Engineering

Nagarjuna College of Engineering and Technology
Tel: 080-27645992 Fax: 080-27645990
College type: Private Un-aided

Venkatagiri Kote Post Devanahalli Tq. - Bangalore - Rural - 562110

Civil Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,

Nagarjuna College of Engineering and Technology (Evening College)
Tel: 080-27645993/27645990(F)
College type: Private Un-aided

Mudugurki Village, Venkatagiri,Devanahalli Tq., - Bangalore - Rural - 562110
Civil Engineering
Mechanical Engineering

Nandi Institute of Technology and Management Sciences
Tel: 080-28433403 , 404,406 Fax: 080-28433405
College type: Private Un-aided

92, Vaderahalli, Harohalli, Bangalore - Bangalore - 562112

Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,

New Horizon College of Engineering
Tel: 080-66297777 Fax: 080-28440770
College type: Minority Linguistic

Outer Ring Rd, Bellandur Post, Near Marathalli, Bangalore - Bangalore - 560103
Automobile Engineering,
Civil Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,

New Horizon College of Engineering (Evening College)
Tel: 080-66297777 Fax: 28440770
College type: Minority Linguistic

Outer Ring Rd, Bellandur post, near Marathalli, - Bangalore - 560103
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering

Nitte Meenakshi Institute of Technology
Tel: 080-22167800 ,803 080-22167805 Fax:080-22167901
College type: Private Un-aided

Govindapura Gollahalli, Yelahanka, Bangalore - Bangalore - 560064
 Aeronautical Engineering,
Civil Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,

P E S Institute of Technology
Tel: 080-26721983 Fax: 080-26720886
College type: Private Un-aided
100 Ft Ring Road, B.S.K II Stage, Hosakerehalli, - Bangalore - 560085

Civil Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,
Telecommunication Engineering,

P N S Institute of Technology
Tel: 080-27701099 Fax: 080-23472122
College type: Private Un-aided
94/1, Danoji Palya, Arashinakunte, Nelamangala, Bangalore - Bangalore - 562123
Civil Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,

Pes Institute of Technology
Tel: 080-66186609 Fax: 080-28521630
College type: Private Un-aided
(South Campus) Hosur Road, 1Km Before Electronic City, Bangalore - Bangalore - 560100

Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering,

R. V. College of Engineering
Tel: 080-67178020 Fax: 080-28600337
College type: Private Un-aided

RV Vidyaneketan Post, Mysore Road, - Bangalore - 560059

Civil Engineering,
Chemical Engineering,
Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Information Science & Engineering,
Industrial Engineering Management,
Instrumentation Technology,
Mechanical Engineering,
Telecommunication Engineering,

R.L.Jalappa Institute of Technology
Tel: 080-27626800,801 Fax: 080-27625381
College type: Private Un-aided

Kodigehalli Doddaballapura, Bangalore - Rural Dist - Bangalore - 561203

Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication

Tel: 080-27626800,801 Fax: 080-27625381
College type: Private Un-aided

Kodigehalli Doddaballapura, Bangalore - Rural Dist - Bangalore - 561203

Computers Science & Engineering,
Electronics & Communication

 Direct Admission in B.Tech, B.E Colleges